
What did the Doctor whisper to himself in the big bang?

What did the Doctor whisper to himself in the big bang?

A bewildered Amy wonders how the Doctor keeps vanishing, making him explain what the device on his wrist is: “cheap, and nasty time travel; it’s bad for you. I’m trying to give it up.” The Eleventh Doctor whispers to himself.

Who let the Doctor out of the pandorica?

Being fair, I’m pretty sure of about 60\% of this, less sure of 30\% and there’s 10\% that’s guesswork (particularly regarding the fate of Auton Rory). How did the Doctor get out of the Pandorica? Rory let him out. Simple as that!

Why was the Doctor put in the pandorica?

The Pandorica was actually a prison built by the Alliance for the Doctor to stop him from inadvertently destroying all of creation in every Universe. They believed the Doctor would be responsible for the destruction of existence itself.

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How did the Doctor escape the Pandorica?

The screwdriver was given to him by the Doctor, who travelled back in time from after he was released from the Pandorica, using River Song’s vortex manipulator. This meant that the Doctor was able to reclaim it from her in the future, having given it to Rory in the first place and realising he’d need it back.

Why did the TARDIS explode?

Doctor Who confirmed the Silence was responsible for blowing up the TARDIS in season 5, but how they managed to accomplish this is still a mystery. The Silence, a religious sect of the space church called the Papal Mainframe, made the TARDIS explode at the end of season 5 of Doctor Who.

What Doctor Who episode does Amy get married?

“The Big Bang” is the thirteenth and final episode of the fifth series of British science fiction television programme Doctor Who, first broadcast on 26 June 2010 on BBC One. It is the second part of the two-part series finale; the first part, “The Pandorica Opens”, aired on 19 June.

What is the crack Dr Who?

The Doctor landed on the planet and discovered a crack in space and time. The crack was described as a split in the skin of reality. It was left over from the TARDIS exploding in an alternative timeline. The Time Lord’s were trying to communicate through it.

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Did Doctor Who Really film at Stonehenge?

Moffat chose Stonehenge as the primary location for the episode because the monument was large and important enough to be suitable for the fall of someone as powerful as the Doctor. Filming was done at the real Stonehenge in Wiltshire on the night of 2 February 2010.

What was the crack in Amy’s wall?

“One day, there’s going to be a very big bang, one so big it’ll make everything crack,” explained the Doctor, who also revealed that the white light streaming through the crack was “time energy” (Or, more poetically, “the fire at the end of the universe”) that unwrites history (Shades of DC Comics’ Crisis On Infinite …

Why did the silence destroy the TARDIS?

Throughout Doctor Who season 6, the Silence was intent on killing the 11th Doctor to stop a prophecy that stated the Time War would resume when the Doctor revealed his true name. But, despite the Doctor being inside Pandorica, the TARDIS blew up anyway with River Song inside.

How did Doctor Who Beat the silence?

Silence will Fall! The Silence were defeated when the Doctor ensured the world saw footage of a Silent apparently ordering people to attack them on sight. This ‘command’ acted like a post-hypnotic suggestion and humans finally turned on the aliens.

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What episode of doctor who is the Big Bang?

“The Big Bang” is the thirteenth and final episode in the fifth series of British science fiction television programme Doctor Who, broadcast on 26 June 2010 on BBC One. It is the second part of the two-part series finale started with “The Pandorica Opens”, written by Steven Moffat and directed by Toby Haynes.

What is the last episode of doctor who series 5?

The Big Bang (Doctor Who) “The Big Bang” is the thirteenth and final episode in the fifth series of British science fiction television programme Doctor Who, broadcast on 26 June 2010 on BBC One.

How did the doctor get Rory out of the Pandorica?

The Doctor leads the group away from the Dalek, blocking the door with a mop to buy time. When Rory recognises his appearance, the Doctor establishes the timeline by travelling back to 102 A.D. and ordering that version of Rory to let him out of the Pandorica.

What happened to the Doctor without the mop in doctor who?

The Doctor vanishes and reappears without the mop. A confused Rory is instructed to free the Doctor from the Pandorica; the Doctor is already out. The Doctor explains that he is already out, but back then, which is the present for Rory, he is yet to escape.