
What do I do with imprisoned nobles Bannerlord?

What do I do with imprisoned nobles Bannerlord?

Ransoming prisoners in Bannerlord The simplest way to deal with them is to head to the biggest town nearby. These towns have taverns where you can ransom some or all of the prisoners you have, in exchange for gold. How much gold you get is dependent on the prisoners you have.

What do you do with a fief?

Owning a fief allows you to collect taxes from the populace every week (taxes accumulate, so you don’t have to visit every week). In Warband, taxes from every fief you own add up to your profits at the end of each week so you do not have to visit the fiefs to collect them.

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How do you ransom a lord in Bannerlord?

Prisoners can easily be ransomed by visiting any large settlement or city that has a tavern district. Simply navigate to the tavern in the settlement menu and you’ll see two options. You can either ransom all the prisoners you’ve captured for a total sum or ransom them individually.

How do you get kids in Bannerlord?

Here’s a short outline:

  1. Meet your intended and inform them of your desires.
  2. Have a successful conversation.
  3. Wait a while.
  4. Have another conversation.
  5. Propose marriage.
  6. Obtain your new partner’s liege’s approval.
  7. Congratulations, you’re married.

How do I get more villages in Warband?

You can raise village prosperity by stopping it from being raided, killing bandits if they invade, building improvements, and completing quests from its Village Elder.

How do you take over a castle in Mount and Blade Warband?

Castles are fortifications found all over Calradia, and each one is linked to a nearby village. In order to take control of a castle away from an opposing faction, you must besiege it. Note that you must have a negative relation and at least 10 troops before being given the option.

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Can you have a child in Mount and Blade Warband?

You can get married but you can’t have a son or daughter to raise.

How do you get a son in Bannerlord?

The key to having a child is spending some time with your spouse. This can either be done by having them in your party or by visiting the castle or settlement you’ve assigned them to and waiting there for a while.

How long does it take for a looted village to recover Mount and Blade?

Looted villages tend to start functioning again in between 10-20 in-game days. This can be loosely monitored by the visual representation of the village on the map. If the village is smoking, it has been recently raided. If it has been looted, but not smoking, it is close to being rebuilt.

What is the best faction in Mount and Blade Warband?

Geographically, Sarranids are the best-protected faction, with a mountain range that covers their whole territory except from three gaps near Weyyah Castle in the west, Jameyyed Castle in the centre and Sharwa Castle in the north east.

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Can you take over a kingdom Warband?

There is no way to replace the king with yourself, per se. However, there are two things you can do: 1) Continue to take castles and towns and always demand them to be awarded to you. Once of these times the king will refuse.