
What does it mean if flux is positive?

What does it mean if flux is positive?

Flux: The flow across a surface. When the field vectors are going the same direction as the vectors normal to the surface, the flux is positive. When the field vectors are going the opposite direction as the vectors normal to the surface, the flux is negative.

Can you get negative flux?

Yes, electric flux can be a negative number. When electric lines emerge out of surface, the electric flux is positive and when those lines enter into a surface, the electric flux in negative.

Is outward flux positive or negative?

The total amount of flux is dependent on the strength of the field, the size of the surface through which the flux is passing through and also the orientation. We know that according to the convention, the inward flux is always taken as negative and the outward flux is always taken as positive.

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Is flux positive going in or out?

Remember our convention for flux orientation: positive means flux is leaving, negative means flux is entering.

What does it mean if electric flux is negative?

electric flux, property of an electric field that may be thought of as the number of electric lines of force (or electric field lines) that intersect a given area. Field lines directed into a closed surface are considered negative; those directed out of a closed surface are positive. …

How do you know if orientation is positive or negative?

The left curve (the clockwise direction) has a negative orientation, and the right curve (the counter-clockwise direction) has a positive orientation. Another way to think about positive orientation is that in travelling along the curve, the interior of the region is to the left.

How do you know if magnetic flux is positive or negative?

The direction of the ‘area’ depends (via the Right Hand Rule) on the direction that the bounding curve is followed. When the magnetic field is parallel to the area vector – the flux integral is positive. When the area and the field are antiparallel, the flux is negative.

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What is the meaning of negative electric flux?

We then have to specify which direction through the surface we want to define as “positive flux”. Once we have made this choice, any flux passing in the opposite direction through the surface is defined as “negative flux”.

What is positively oriented?

A boundary of a surface is positively oriented if its direction corresponds to the fingers of your right hand when your thumb points in the direction of the surface normal.