
What does it mean to be a conservative?

What does it mean to be a conservative?

Conservatism is generally marked by wanting to avoid tearing down useful social institutions and traditions like marriage; or instituting new laws that disregard former social norms, like abortion. Furthermore, people can be Conservative along one or two axes: Social or Fiscal.

How do conservative and Labour voters view welfare recipients?

In our polling, we found that 65\% of Conservative voters see being “dependent on the system” as a typical characteristic of benefit claimants, compared to 36\% of Labour voters. Thirty nine percent of Conservative voters judged that welfare cuts have been good for claimants compared to 12\% of Labour voters.

Should Conservatives enshrine and deliver reciprocity?

Conservatives tend to think that welfare ought to enshrine and deliver reciprocal outcomes. One way to deliver reciprocity is to allocate welfare resources on the basis of past contributions to the tax system.

What are the basic principles of the Conservative movement?

The first conservative principle we identify is a belief in individual control and personal responsibility. Conservatives tend to see individuals as agents who can shape and determine their circumstances, and so are seen to be more responsible for their impoverishment.

What is the difference between fiscal conservatism and conservatism?

Conservatives are more likely to approve of: Traditional Religious Values, etc. Meanwhile, Fiscal Conservatism is much more focused on the economic benefits that a Conservative viewpoint brings. In this sense, Fiscal Conservatives prioritize a more laissez-faire style market without as much big government intervention.

What is social conservatism?

Social conservatism is largely focused on upholding the social institutions of a culture. For the US, for instance, our social Conservatives prioritize keeping our known social norms intact. Conservatives are more likely to approve of:

Why is the economist so conservative?

Most famously, the traditionally conservative Economist publication was started to organize against the English Corn Laws in 1843 – tariffs that harmed the English economy. In the more recent past, conservatism has promoted internationalism to preserve and promote western institutions.