
What does Nafasam mean?

What does Nafasam mean?

A Persian speaker may call their partner ‘nafasam’ meaning ‘my breath. ‘

Is Persian and Farsi same?

In Iran, the Persian language is also known as Farsi. It is the native name of the language while Persian is the name by which it is known to the English-speaking world. Farsi is used by Iranians to show the distinction of their language from other forms of Persian.

What does Azize Delam mean?

Literally “dear of my heart,” aziz -e delam is similar to “sweetheart.” Just like the English, it’s not exclusive to couples and can be used in any loving relationship to express affection.

What does Hastam mean in Farsi?

The verb ‘To Be’

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What does Delbaram mean in Farsi?

Delbaram (one who has stolen my heart) : Persians, the corniest lovers. Nooreh Chesham (Light of my eyes) : same meaning as apple of my eye.

Is Farsi difficult to learn?

Is it Difficult to Learn? Compared with the other major language of the Middle East and some European languages, Persian is relatively easy for English-speaking people to learn, and is regarded as extremely sonorous and beautiful to listen to. Persian is remarkably simple in terms of formal grammar.

What is the meaning of Khar in Tajik Persian?

In Tajik Persian it is used mostly by predominantly rural male population. Basically it means, same like in Farsi in Iran and Afghanistan — kir (ker) khar = arse’s/donkey’s penis. Used in different situations, mostly under stress and anger.

What is the meaning of the Hindi word ‘khar’?

It is a very sinister word, which has vast meanings, from reaction to a prank to a sudden noise or anything troublesome. Kir is for penis and Khar means donkey, so this combination refers to donkey’s penis and this metaphor can make people laugh or start a bloody fight! Use it in private, Never say it in public.

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What is the difference between Arabic and Farsi?

Arabic is in the Afro-Asiatic family while Farsi is in the Indo-European family. Coincidentally, Portuguese is also in the Indo-European language family, but it also differs from Farsi in many ways.

What is the meaning of “Kir-e Khar”?

“Kir-e khar” means ‘donkey’s penis’. It’s a bit rude. You need to add the suffix -e (called “ezāfe”) after the first word to make it grammatical. 8 clever moves when you have $1,000 in the bank. We’ve put together a list of 8 money apps to get you on the path towards a bright financial future.