
What does plaited mean in Animal Farm?

What does plaited mean in Animal Farm?

plaited. form (hair or other material) into a plait or plaits. benevolent. well meaning and kindly. abolish.

Where is the word ensconced in Animal Farm?

used in Animal Farm. At one end of the big barn, on a sort of raised platform, Major was already ensconced on his bed of straw, under a lantern which hung from a beam.

What does blithely mean in Animal Farm?

blithely. in a joyous, carefree, or unconcerned manner. One day, as Mollie strolled blithely into the yard, flirting her long tail and chewing at a stalk of hay, Clover took her aside.

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What is tyrannize in Animal Farm?

tyrannise. rule or exercise power over in a cruel and autocratic manner.

What is stout in Animal Farm?

stout. somewhat fat or heavy build. morose. gloomy, sullen, sour, bad-tempered.

What is the meaning of indefatigably?

: incapable of being fatigued : untiring an indefatigable worker.

What does irrepressible mean in Animal Farm?

impromptu. with little or no preparation or forethought. irrepressible. impossible to control. tractable.

What does proletariat mean in Animal Farm?

working class
The horse Boxer stands in for the proletariat, or working class.

What does indefatigable mean in Animal Farm?

indefatigable. showing sustained enthusiasm with unflagging vitality. He was indefatigable at this.

What does lord it over mean?

Definition of lord it over : to act in a way that shows one thinks one is better or more important than (someone) She knows she’s very smart and lords it over her younger brothers. He got the only A in the class and was lording it over his classmates.

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What chapter does Napoleon sleep in a bed?

In Chapter 6, Napoleon’s greed continues to grow. Not content with just taking the apples and the milk, the pigs move into the farmhouse and start sleeping in beds.

What does Tushes mean in Animal Farm?

tushes tusks. whelped gave birth to: said of some animals; here, meaning a litter of puppies was born. windfalls apples blown down by the wind from trees. Windsor chair a style of wooden chair, esp.