
What does the German word Kummerspeck mean?

What does the German word Kummerspeck mean?

grief bacon
Kummerspeck literally means “grief bacon,” and refers to the extra weight you might put on after a bout of emotional eating.

What does sorrow fat mean?

In Germany, it’s all about “kummerspeck.” While there’s no direct German-to-English translation, the word roughly translates to “grief bacon” or “sorrow fat.” This fascinating term refers to the emotional eating — and probable weight gain — after a pain-inducing event, like a breakup, or a particularly difficult year …

Is Kummerspeck a real word?

Kummerspeck is a compound noun composed of Kummer (grief), and Speck (bacon, or lard), so translates literally as ‘grief bacon’.

What is the German word for curse?


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From To Via
• curse → AnstoßBeleidigungKränkung ↔ affront
• curse → lästernfluchenbeschimpfenverhöhnen ↔ blasphémer
• curse → beleidigenscheltenschimpfenbeschimpfen ↔ insulter
• curse → EidFluchKraftausdruck ↔ juron

Why does Germany have three genders?

In German, gender is defined not by the gender of the noun, but by the meaning and the form of the word. Genders in German were originally intended to signify three grammatical categories that words could be grouped into. nouns that had no ending. These remained masculine.

What does der Kummer and Der Speck mean?

The first is der Kummer, which refers to emotional pains like concern, worry, sorrow or anxiety. The second is der Speck, which can either mean ‘bacon’ or ‘fat’. For instance, the word Babyspeck means ‘baby fat’, and Winterspeck means ‘winter fat’, while Frühstücksspeck refers to the Speck (bacon) you eat for Frühstück (breakfast).

What is kummerspeck and how can you prevent it?

Kummerspeck is the name for excess fat gained by emotional eating – specifically, the excessive eating people do in times of stress or sorrow.

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What does Speck mean in German?

However, Speck is different to the German words Fett (fat: noun), fett (fat: adjective), and dick (fat: adjective) because it refers to the fat found in meat – which is probably where the translation ‘grief bacon’ comes from.

What does it mean to Kümmer something?

Related to the noun der Kummer is the verb kümmern, which is a difficult verb to translate. To kümmer yourself with something is to concern yourself with it, take care of it, or otherwise attend to/see to it. But there is often an element of worry to it.