
What does the term Mopery mean?

What does the term Mopery mean?

slang. : an act of moping : dawdling, vagrancy.

What does mope mean the wire?

Mope – Police term for drug dealer.

What is it called when you expose yourself?

exhibitionism. nounattention-seeking behavior. exposing oneself.

What does MOP mean in police terms?

Often used when describing a false or grossly exaggerated call from a MOP – Member of Public. (“Sarge, you were asking about that kidnap, serial killer, alien invasion job… it’s a LOB, close the log.”) A Unit – A person who is considered quite muscular and may cause officers a little bit of trouble.

Why do cops say mope?

Originally Answered: Where does the term “Mope” originate, and is it an abbreviation of something? In NYC it is common police lingo for an MOP or “member of public” as distinguished from MOS, which means “member of service” ie a cop.

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What is it called when you expose yourself in public?

Indecent exposure laws in most states make it a crime to purposefully display one’s genitals in public, causing others to be alarmed or offended. While the motive will vary from person to person, indecent exposure is often committed for the sexual gratification of the offender or to entice a sexual response.

What does it mean to expose someone?

To expose a person or situation means to reveal that they are bad or immoral in some way. the story of how the press helped expose the truth about the Nixon administration. Synonyms: reveal, disclose, uncover, air More Synonyms of expose. 3.

What does rip mean in police jargon?

A “rip” is cop slang for a punishment. If I was caught smoking a cigarette in uniform, the captain could give me a rip that would go in my personnel folder. Not sure how this term came about historically, but it is often used amongst the rank and file.

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What does Fahrenheit mean police?

shoot to kill
“Fahrenheit” – Line of Duty’s codeword for “shoot to kill”. Different police operations use different codewords.

What does blue mean in British slang?

sorrowful literary. in the doldrums UK informal. unhappy.

Can you go to jail for exposing yourself?

California’s indecent exposure law makes it a crime to willfully expose your genitals for sexual gratification. In most cases, Penal Code 314 PC indecent exposure is: A misdemeanor offense punishable by up to one year in county jail, and a fine up to $1,000.

Is exposing yourself a crime?

Indecent exposure in California is prosecuted as a sex crime. As a result, a conviction for indecent exposure can have devastating consequences. A first-time conviction is only a misdemeanor, punishable by up to six months in county jail and a fine of up to $1,000.