
What engineering degree does Tony Stark have?

What engineering degree does Tony Stark have?

Iron Man As for what Stark studied at MIT, the details are a bit scarce. In the comics, Stark earned two master’s degrees in engineering by age 19, although there are conflicting sources that say he received doctorates in engineering physics and artificial intelligence.

What is the IQ of Tony Stark in MCU?

Abilities. Super-Genius Intelligence: Tony is a phenomenal scientific genius and inventor with an IQ of 186.

Is Tony Stark a scientist or engineer?

Technically, Tony Stark is an engineer. He does conduct scientific experiments, but he mostly is an engineer.

How smart is Tony Stark compared to the universe?

This order is the one I’d rank then, so by my own ranking, Tony is the 4th or 5th smartest person in the Marvel Universe.

Who is the world’s best engineer?

The 10 Greatest Engineers of All Time

  • Nikola Tesla. Arguably at the top of the list of greatest engineers is Nikola Tesla.
  • Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison was an American inventor and referred to as a great businessman.
  • Henry Ford.
  • Archimedes.
  • Nikolaus Otto.
  • Leonardo Da Vinci.
  • Wilber and Orville Wright.
  • Alexander Graham Bell.
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Who is the closest engineer to Tony Stark?

Tony referred to himself as ‘The Mechanic’ in Iron Man 3, so that fits. The “closest” engineer that I know is a friend who took mechanical engineering while simultaneously teaching himself electrical circuits and coding, and applying it all thru student projects.

Is Tony Stark a mechanical genius?

Examples for his mechanical genius are obvious, his Iron Man armor require a genius level of mechanical engineering skills, as well as electrical and computer science as well. The best way to describe Tony Stark of the movies is as a “mechanic”, indeed it’s how he describes himself to Harley and at his heart, it’s what he sees himself as.

What is Tony Stark’s degree?

Career The character Tony Stark dabbles in all fields, from computer science/AI to mechatronics to electrical engineering to mathematics. In the comics, his degree is in electrical engineering. Engineering is the application of technology.

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What was Tony Stark’s job before the Iron Man suit?

He designed AI and tons of software both before and after the first Iron Man suit. A software engineer.