
What gives off a magnetic field?

What gives off a magnetic field?

An electromagnetic field (EMF) is generated when charged particles such as electrons are accelerated. Charged particles in motion produce magnetic fields.

Which material would create the strongest magnetic field?

The strongest permanent magnets in the world are neodymium (Nd) magnets, they are made from magnetic material made from an alloy of neodymium, iron and boron to form the Nd2Fe14B structure.

Can you make a sword out of magnets?

No since 1. a lot of bullets are not made from ferrous metals and 2. the magnetic field strength goes down by the cube of distance which means it really REALLY drops off at a large distance (For comparison, light goes down only by the square of the distance) and 3.

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What is the biggest magnet in the universe?

The “magnetar,” or magnetic neutron star known as Soft Gamma Repeater 1806-20, is the most powerful known magnetic object in the universe.

Is forged steel magnetic?

So, by running a magnet intermittently during the forging process, you can get a good time frame of the temperature. How Does This Work? Iron and steel is “ferromagnetic” which means they are permanently magnetic. While they’re “permanently magnetic” this doesn’t mean it can never be demagnetized.

Is iron magnetic?

Iron is magnetic, so any metal with iron in it will be attracted to a magnet. Steel contains iron, so a steel paperclip will be attracted to a magnet too. Most other metals, for example aluminium, copper and gold, are NOT magnetic. Two metals that aren’t magnetic are gold and silver.

Why do magnets not stick together?

Magnets don’t always stick together. Try it! The arrows always start at the magnet’s north pole and point towards its south pole. When two like-poles point together, the arrows from the two magnets point in OPPOSITE directions and the field lines cannot join up. So the magnets will push apart (repel).

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What are the characteristics of a thrusting sword?

A sword consists of a long blade attached to a hilt. The blade can be straight or curved. Thrusting swords have a pointed tip on the blade, and tend to be straighter; slashing swords have a sharpened cutting edge on one or both sides of the blade, and are more likely to be curved.

Where are swords made?

How Swords are Made in the West. While it is true that in terms of volume 90\% of all swords are made in South, South East and East Asia, the USA, Canada, Australia and Europe make up a that last 10\% – and as you might expect, for the most part they don’t compete on price but instead concentrate on quality.

What is the science fiction equivalent of a sword?

In fantasy, magic swords often appear, based on their use in myth and legend. The science fiction counterpart to these is known as an energy sword (sometimes also referred to as a “beam sword” or “laser sword”), a sword whose blade consists of, or is augmented by, concentrated energy.

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What are the characteristics of a cutting sword?

The edges of a cutting sword are almost parallel. Blades oriented for the thrust have thicker blades, sometimes with a distinct midrib for increased stiffness, with a strong taper and an acute point. The geometry of a cutting sword blade allows for acute edge angles.