
What happened Bruce Banner between the Incredible Hulk and Avengers?

What happened Bruce Banner between the Incredible Hulk and Avengers?

Perhaps the most obvious change in Bruce Banner between The Incredible Hulk and The Avengers is the fact that the actor playing the character was recast. As a result, of course, Bruce Banner’s physical appearance changes dramatically, but smaller things about him change, as well.

Is the Incredible Hulk part of The Avengers timeline?

The Incredible Hulk Official MCU timeline placement: Not included in “Marvel Movies Timeline.” The post-credits scene is set after the events of Iron Man 2, but Iron Man 2 also includes video footage of the Hulk.

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Where was Bruce Banner hiding in the beginning of the Incredible Hulk?

Ross’ father, General Thaddeus Ross, forced Banner to go on the run for years, as he is now a fugitive of the United States Army. Banner finds a home in Rocinha, Brazil, where he works at a soft drink bottling factory and has learned breathing techniques and martial arts to ward off his transformations.

Why did Bruce leave Avengers?

When Natasha finally throws Bruce out to make him the Hulk, he feels betrayed by Natasha and becomes the Hulk as a result. To make sure that he never endangers the lives of people again by becoming the Hulk, he leaves the Avengers by Tony’s Quinjet.

Why did Hulk get recast?

“Our decision is definitely not one based on monetary factors,” he wrote, in part, “but instead rooted in the need for an actor who embodies the creativity and collaborative spirit of our other talented cast members.

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Was Thor in The Incredible Hulk?

In The Incredible Hulk Returns, Dr. Bill Bixby returns as Banner and Lou Ferrigno reprises his role of the Hulk. Eric Kramer makes his first and only appearance as Thor and Steve Levitt stars as Donald Blake. This was also Jack Colvin’s last appearance as Jack McGee.

Where in Brazil was the Incredible Hulk filmed?

Rocinha, Brazil The impressive opening shot is of a real life Favela – Rocinha – the largest favela in Brazil. Even though this is where Bruce Banner lives in the movie, Rocinha was only used for aerial footage.

Who played Bruce Banner in the Incredible Hulk?

Edward Norton portrays Bruce Banner in The Incredible Hulk (2008), with Lou Ferrigno providing the voice of the Hulk. Norton did not return to the role in The Avengers (2012), being replaced by Mark Ruffalo.

Who is the Hulk in the Avengers?

Darin De Paul (as Hulk) The Hulk (Bruce Banner) is a playable character in Marvel’s Avengers. He serves as the main protagonist of the prequel comic Marvel’s Avengers: Hulk and the main deuteragonist of the Reassemble campaign. Hulk also serves as the main character in The Incredible Hulk mission chain.

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How did Bruce Wayne turn into the Hulk?

Bruce is able to transform into the Hulk; whenever he is stressed, enraged or seriously injured; due to the fact that he was exposed to gamma radiation that genetically modified his DNA. After defeating the Abomination in Manhattan, Bruce attempted to seclude himself and control when he would turn into the Hulk.

What happened to Edward Norton as Bruce Banner in the Avengers?

MCU debuted Edward Norton as Bruce Banner in 2008’s The Incredible Hulk, but he was eventually replaced by Mark Ruffalo in The Avengers.