
What happens if you drop a nuclear bomb in space?

What happens if you drop a nuclear bomb in space?

If a nuclear weapon is exploded in a vacuum-i. e., in space-the complexion of weapon effects changes drastically: First, in the absence of an atmosphere, blast disappears completely. There is no longer any air for the blast wave to heat and much higher frequency radiation is emitted from the weapon itself.

What would happen if you detonated a nuke in the center of the Earth?

If you set off nukes inside the Earth’s core the pressure waves would primarily be P waves, that would spread out evenly towards the surface. Using David Hammen’s 7 x 1018 joules of energy and Earth’s surface area of 5.1 x 1014 square meters.

Can you drop a bomb from space?

Nothing. Nuclear explosions in space will not effect earth,the biggest bomb blast and effects will not bypass atmosphere .

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Can we ignite Jupiter?

The planet Jupiter is the largest in our Solar System, but is it large enough to ignite? Stars burn as a result of thermonuclear reactions deep in their cores. This corresponds to about 13 times the mass of Jupiter, meaning that Jupiter itself is incapable of ever ‘igniting’.

What would happen if a nuclear bomb was dropped in space?

This EMP would fry hundreds of nearby satellites, put International Space Station astronauts at risk of radiation poisoning, and disrupt substantially more of Earth’s power grid. Fortunately, you needn’t worry about a nuclear bomb of this caliber being detonated in space.

What would happen if the Earth was hit by a nuclear explosion?

In a nuclear blast, there is also quite a bit of debris, which would burn up in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, and heavy ions would also be absorbed by the atmospheric molecules of the planet. These extra radioactive molecules are actually useful in certain ways (to this day!), but we’ll explain in the next section.

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Why did the United States detonate its own nuclear bombs?

Right as the space age began, the idea that the Soviet Union could lob a bomb over the ocean or drop a bomb from an orbiting satellite was a very real fear. To this end, the United States detonated its own nuclear bombs to gather data on what the fallout would look like.

Could a nuke in space destroy a Nation’s infrastructure?

This may have been an unintended consequence for the citizens of Hawaii, but it also showed scientists and researchers the true power that a nuke in space could have. It could effectively cripple a nation’s infrastructure, without physically destroying any of it!