
What if France stopped surrendering?

What if France stopped surrendering?

If the French had not surrendered, there would have been many important consequences: The French fleet would have remained in the War, this would have made the invasion of Britain impossible. It would have also been a major asset in the all important Battle of the Atlantic.

Could the Allies have won the battle of France?

In short, yes. The Allies could have won the Battle of France in May 1940 and France would have been the major contributing factor. With minimal improvements, they could have succeeded in holding the line in 1940.

What happened to France after the Battle of Paris?

France to surrender. With Paris fallen and the German conquest of France reaching its conclusion, Marshal Henri Petain replaces Paul Reynaud as prime minister and announces his intention to sign an armistice with the Nazis. The next day, French General Charles de Gaulle, not very well known even to the French, made a broadcast to France…

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What happened in the year 1917 on the Western Front?

March 15, 1917 – Germans along the central portion of the Western Front in France begin a strategic withdrawal to the new Siegfried Line (called the Hindenburg Line by the Allies) which shortens the overall Front by 25 miles by eliminating an unneeded bulge.

What happened in the Battle of Ypres in 1917?

August 10, 1917 – The British resume their attack at Ypres, focusing on German artillery positions around Gheluvelt. The attack produces few gains as the Germans effectively bombard and then counter-attack. Six days later, the British try again, with similar results.

What if France had gone into exile in the Empire?

If the French government had decided to go into exile in the Empire, rather than re-establish itself in the German protectorate at Vichy, then the rest of World War II might have gone very differently. France had extensive assets available to continue its resistance against the Axis powers.