
What instrument goes well with drums?

What instrument goes well with drums?

Bass guitar – it has to be there to fill the pockets. It is the best friend of the Drum kit.

  • Rythm Guitar – it can be either Acoustic or Electric . Acoustic will always give a chirpyness to the song, and make it feel earthly.
  • Keyboard – nothing beats the sound of a piano .
  • What sounds go well with piano?

    Other instruments that compete with the piano are those that play multiple notes at a time, such as other keyboard instruments, guitars, harps, etc. That leaves the treble instruments in the various families, and these all work well – trumpet, flute, violin all make good duet instruments with piano.

    Is it harder to learn drums or piano?

    The drums are an easier musical instrument for beginners to start with compared to the piano. However, the drums are just a difficult instrument to master as the piano. It takes only a few drum lessons to be able to play basic grooves, for instance, the basic rock rhythm.

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    Is drum music the same as piano?

    Yes and no. While both are rhythm instruments, they both are played differently. As one person has said a drum set uses four limbs vs the ten digits of the hands plus the use of feet for pedals as a part of playing the piano.

    What instruments go along with piano?

    Re: What instrument sounds best with piano? I find that Violin, Saxophone and Cello are the easiest instruments to work with. Also oboe and trombone. Clarinet, Viola, Horn, and Bass are the most difficult to work with.

    How long does it take to get good on drums?

    For every hour spent in drum lessons, you should spend two practising on your drum pad. With dedication, aptitude and work, you will be able to learn the drums fairly quickly – say, 10 to 12 months to become proficient, and about 18 months to 2 years to get really good. And you won’t need to save time in any bottle!

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    How difficult is drumming?

    Are drums hard to learn? You can learn a well-known song/beat on the drums in around 30 minutes. It often takes 2 years for you to gain a detailed understanding of the drums. If you want to become a professional drummer, 7 to 8 years is typical, but can be faster if you practice harder.

    Why do drummers sit behind glass?

    Drummers play behind a drum screen because it disallows the sound of the drums and cymbals from entering microphones that are meant for other instruments. This means that the drums won’t overpower other instruments or vocals.

    Do you think that piano and guitar sound good together?

    They sound wonderful together but, the issue is of properly blending the sound. Just by size, even played softly, a piano tends to overwhelm the sound of a guitar. A simple matter if using an electric guitar in a recording setting but, much more difficult say in an open air or performance hall using a classical instrument. Absolutely.

    How do you make multiple instruments sound good together?

    When you combine several instruments, be aware of the role that instrument has. Try changing the roles you give the different instruments – this can drastically change the way the instruments sound together. Try playing music from one genre with instruments from another. See how it affects the way the instruments sound together.

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    What is the best instrument to play with piano?

    Re: What instrument sounds best with piano? I find that Violin, Saxophone and Cello are the easiest instruments to work with. Also oboe and trombone. Clarinet, Viola, Horn, and Bass are the most difficult to work with. Depending on the repertoire, Flute can also be a pain.

    How can I make my drums sound more powerful?

    Relatively fast release times can help increase perceived loudness and push drums up ‘in your face,’ but too fast can cause an unnatural pumping sound. Many engineers set their drum compression to allow some of the initial transient’s attack through, and the release to make the drums’ decay more audible, increasing perceived energy.