
What is democracy advantage?

What is democracy advantage?

A democratic government is a better government because it is a more accountable form of government. Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts. Democracy allows people to correct their own mistakes. In a democracy, people rule themselves as leaders are elected by them.

What is democracy advantages and disadvantages?

⏩Democracy improves the quality of Decision Making. ⏩Democracy provides a method to deal with differences and conflicts. ⏩Democracy allows people to correct their own mistakes. ⏩In a democracy, people rule themselves as leaders are elected by them.

What is the advantage of representative democracy?

Advantages of representative democracy, especially as opposed to direct democracy, include that: the people cannot be expected to have the time or interest to make important and regular decisions. representatives can educate the public on political issues.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of democracy Class 9?

Advantages and disadvantages of democracy

  • Democratic government is unstable.
  • Consultation of many people in decision making leads to delays.
  • Elected representatives do not know the best interest of people which leads to bad decisions.
  • It leads to corruption because it is based on electoral competition.

What is the basis of democracy and what are its advantages?

What is the basis of democracy and what are its advantages? Solution: Democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiation. Deliberation and negotiation have an advantage as they ensure that the decisions taken are acceptable to all the people.

What would be the advantages of democracy over other forms of government?

Democracy allows every citizen to have a stake and participate in deciding their future and nation’s priorities. Other forms of government like authoritarian, monarchical, and dictatorship do not involve people in the decision-making process of development.

What is an advantage of direct democracy over indirect democracy?

Advantages and risks Direct democracy enables people to vote on important issues that may be excluded from, or cut across, representative party politics. The decision of the popular majority can be expressed beyond representative processes that are potentially distorted and elitist.

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What are the advantages of representative government?

Advantages of Representative Government

  • When operating as it should, it is a highly efficient form of government.
  • People still have a say in how their government operates.
  • It provides thorough representation of the general public.
  • People still have a voice.
  • It simplifies the decision-making process.

What would be the advantages of democracy over other forms of government for ensuring that decisions regarding development are made to promote the common good?

What are the advantages of a republic government?

Advantages of a Republican Government

  • Laws made by elected representatives are meant to be fair.
  • A republic allows greater freedom and prosperity.
  • When government serves the interests of the entire country, we say it is serving the common welfare.
  • There is wider participation in the political process.

What is democracy short answer?

democracy means rule by the people. The name is used for different forms of government, where the people can take part in the decisions that affect the way their community is run. The people elect their leaders. These leaders take this decision about laws. This is commonly called representative democracy.

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What are the advantages of democracy in the United States?

Advantages of Democracy. Protects the Interest of Citizens. The citizens of a democratic government have the right to vote on political, social, and economical issues as well as the representatives that they want to be in charge of major decisions, like the President.

Is democracy the most efficient government system?

While democracy is noted as one of the most efficient government systems ever, it is, however, not without any downsides. Let us take a look at its advantages and disadvantages.

What is the role of the government in a representative democracy?

➺ In a representative democracy, not citizens, but the representatives elected by them are responsible for making laws and formulating policies for the government. They make the people’s concerns heard, and the decisions or laws made by them cater to the people’s interests.

Does democracy promote economic growth?

Democracy is clearly not the only factor behind good economic performance, but more often than not, it provides the long-term political stability and corrective mechanisms that form a foundation for safe investment and steady growth.