
What is difference between NSArray and NSMutableArray?

What is difference between NSArray and NSMutableArray?

The primary difference between NSArray and NSMutableArray is that a mutable array can be changed/modified after it has been allocated and initialized, whereas an immutable array, NSArray , cannot. When using this method of constructing your arrays, pass your objects that need to be placed inside the array one by one.

What is NSString?

An NSString object encodes a Unicode-compliant text string, represented as a sequence of UTF–16 code units. The objects you create using NSString and NSMutableString are referred to as string objects (or, when no confusion will result, merely as strings). The term C string refers to the standard char * type.

What is NSMutableArray Objective C?

The NSMutableArray class declares the programmatic interface to objects that manage a modifiable array of objects. This class adds insertion and deletion operations to the basic array-handling behavior inherited from NSArray . NSMutableArray is “toll-free bridged” with its Core Foundation counterpart, CFMutableArray .

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What is NSMutableString?

NSMutableString is the abstract base class for a cluster of classes representing strings whose contents can be changed. It inherits from NSString. It extends the interface it inherits from NSString by adding methods to change the string contents.

How do I append to NSString?

The format specifier “\%@” is used to insert string values. The example below uses a combination of whitespace and \%@ format specifiers to append two strings to string1: NSString * string3 = [string1 stringByAppendingFormat:@” \%@ \%@”, string2, @”A third string.

What is difference between any and AnyObject?

Any can represent an instance of any type at all, including function types. AnyObject can represent an instance of any class type.

What is the difference between any and any object?

What is the difference between Any and AnyObject? Any: It can represent any type of class, struct, enum including function and optional types or you can say anything at all. AnyObject: It refers to any instance of a class. It’s useful when you are working with reference type only.

What is NSNumber in Swift?

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NSNumber is a subclass of NSValue that offers a value as any C scalar (numeric) type. It defines a set of methods specifically for setting and accessing the value as a signed or unsigned char , short int , int , long int , long long int , float , or double or as a BOOL .

What is NSMutableDictionary in Swift?

Overview. The NSMutableDictionary class declares the programmatic interface to objects that manage mutable associations of keys and values. It adds modification operations to the basic operations it inherits from NSDictionary .

What is Nsrange?

A structure used to describe a portion of a series, such as characters in a string or objects in an array.

What is attributed string?

Attributed strings are character strings that have attributes for individual characters or ranges of characters. Attribute keys provide the name and value type of each attribute. System frameworks like Foundation and SwiftUI define common keys, and you can define your own in custom extensions.

What is the difference between nsmutablestring and NSString in Java?

The difference between NSMutableString and NSString is that. NSMutableString: NSMutableString objects provide methods to modify the underlying array of characters they represent, while NSString does not. For example, NSMutableString exposes methods such as appendString, deleteCharactersInRange, insertString, replaceOccurencesWithString, etc.

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Is it possible to subclass NSString in Java?

It is possible to subclass NSString (and NSMutableString ), but doing so requires providing storage facilities for the string (which is not inherited by subclasses) and implementing two primitive methods.

What is the difference between Unicode and NSString?

Unicode is a registered trademark of Unicode, Inc. When creating an NSString object from a UTF-16-encoded string (or a byte stream interpreted as UTF-16), if the byte order is not otherwise specified, NSString assumes that the UTF-16 characters are big-endian, unless there is a BOM (byte-order mark), in which case the BOM dictates the byte order.

How do I override the primitive instance methods of an NSString?

Any subclass of NSString must override the primitive instance methods length and character (at:). These methods must operate on the backing store that you provide for the characters of the string. For this backing store you can use a static array, a dynamically allocated buffer, a standard NSString object, or some other data type or mechanism.