
What is exhaust pressure in steam turbine?

What is exhaust pressure in steam turbine?

Exhaust pressure at the exit of the last-stage blades is one of the most important parameters that limit the operation of a steam turbine, especially on days with hot ambient conditions. Last-stage blades are generally highly stressed and are vulnerable to vibrations caused by aeromechanics instabilities.

What temperature is the exhaust from a steam turbine?

So, typical steam turbine exit would be 1–2 psi less than ambient and saturated steam, so temperatures would be in the range of 220–250 F.

What is the pressure and temperature of the steam at inlet turbine?

Temperature of Steam in a Turbine

Bibliographic Entry Result (w/surrounding text) Standardized Result
Three Alsthom Steam Turbine Generators 17Mw 50Hz. Warp Machinery Exchange. “Make Alsthom Model T167-215 Inlet Pressure 40 bar Inlet Temperature 465°C ….” 465 °C

What is that temperature called to which the exhaust gases of a gas turbine is cooled?

9. What is that temperature called to which the exhaust gases of a gas turbine are cooled? Explanation: As the maximum temperature of cooling that can be reached has to be the dewpoint of one of these gases, so the dewpoint of Sulphuric Acid [Sulphur dioxide discharge] is chosen. 10.

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Why is exhaust temperature high in turbine?

High exhaust temperature from a steam turbine indicates that efficiency of the turbine has reduced due to scaling or some other effects. Additionally, a higher exhaust temperature could result in overstressing turbine blades since as temperature increases the strength of material decreases.

What is steam exhaust?

(Steam Engine) steam which is allowed to escape from the cylinder after having been employed to produce motion of the piston.

What is exhaust back pressure?

Engine exhaust back pressure is defined as the exhaust gas pressure that is produced by the engine to overcome the hydraulic resistance of the exhaust system in order to discharge the gases into the atmosphere. The term back pressure can be also spelled as one word (backpressure) or using a hyphen (back-pressure).

What is the pressure at inlet of turbine?

Optimum pressure varies with the gas turbine inlet temperature, but ranges from 0.4-1.0 MPa (4-10 atm).

What is the turbine inlet temperature?

Turbine Inlet Temperature (TIT) is the temperature of the combustion chamber exhaust gases as they enter the turbine unit. The gas temperature is measured by a number of thermocouples mounted in the exhaust stream and is presented on a flight deck gauge in either degrees Fahrenheit or degrees Celcius.

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What is the temperature of exhaust gas?

Hot Exhaust Gases Generally, temperatures of 500–700°C (932–1293°F) are produced in the exhaust gases from diesel-cycle engines at 100\% load to 200–300°C (392–572°F) with no load. Exhaust gases normally discharges at a temperature of around 420°C (788°F).

What is exhaust gas turbine?

The exhaust section of the gas turbine engine consists of several components. The exhaust cone collects the exhaust gases discharged from the turbine section and gradually converts them into a solid flow of gases. In performing this, the velocity of the gases is decreased slightly and the pressure increased.

What temperature can you see exhaust?

Exhaust Pipe Or Muffler Temperatures – Circa 1000F The average temperature range for the exhaust system is between 600 to 930 Fahrenheit. Driving for a longer period or driving the car harder can cause temperatures to rise to 1600 to 1800 Fahrenheit as well.

What should be the exhaust pressure of a steam turbine?

A review of the data presented in Fig. 15.1 shows that the exhaust pressure of steam turbines should be well below atmospheric (∼100 kPa) in order to achieve condensing temperatures reasonably close to the environment temperature. Operating in a vacuum may introduce slight in-leakage of air, which may be a source of noncondensable gases.

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How hot does a 150 MW condensing steam turbine get?

We have (4) 150 MW Parson condensing steam turbines. The high exhaust hood temperature alarm is set at 90 deg C but it is considered that operating at 120 deg C for 15 minutes without the cooling sprays may be tolerable,…

Why does the exhaust temperature of LP turbine increase during low load?

LP exhaust temperature raises because during low load conditions steam flow will be less in LP turbine due to which aerodynamic flow pattern of steam will get disturbed . The steam gains the heat from the hot components of the turbine and gets heated up . Due to this exhaust temperature of steam will be high

How does steam temperature affect the exhaust temperature?

Steam temperature, pressure and flow rate are all very much related. So, even the manufacturer has to know the rest of the parameters in you operating case/mode to tell you the acceptable exhaust temperature. The more pressure drops from the inlet, the more temperature drop from the inlet.