
What is geography as an academic discipline?

What is geography as an academic discipline?

Geography as a discipline is related to space and takes note of spatial characteristics and attributes. It studies the patterns of distribution, location and concentration of phenomena over space and interprets them providing explanations for these patterns.

How did geography become an academic discipline?

Geography is one of the few academic disciplines, particularly in Europe, to have been established in universities as a result of pressure to produce people who could teach it in schools. Geography’s links with mercantilism, imperialism, and citizenship were the basis of claims for geographical instruction in schools.

Why is geography known as a discipline of synthesis explain it with suitable examples?

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Answer: Thus, geography has its own area of study which may appear to be in the nature of an encroachment upon other disciplines. It is because of this peculiarity that geography is regarded as a science of synthesis. The geographers attempt a synthesis of the physical and human phenomena within an area or region.

What is the main concern and focus as a discipline of geography?

The natural environment is the primary concern of physical geographers, although many physical geographers also look at how humans have altered natural systems. Physical geographers study Earth’s seasons, climate, atmosphere, soil, streams, landforms, and oceans.

Why is geography an integrated discipline?

Geography as an integrated discipline because Geography is all about nature and environment. It covers whole physical areas in the planet, and holistic nature. People can know about general knowledges from Geography. It connects people with the world.

When did geography become a discipline?

By the 18th century, geography had become recognized as a discrete discipline and became part of a typical university curriculum in Europe (especially Paris and Berlin), although not in the United Kingdom where geography was generally taught as a sub-discipline of other subjects.

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Why is geography known as a spatial science?

Geography is described as a spatial science because it focuses is on “where” things are and why they occur there. Geographers seek to answer all or more than one of four basic questions when studying our environment. These relate to location, place, spatial pattern, and spatial interaction.

Why the scope of geography is dynamic?

Depending upon the changes in climate, changes are made in cropping patterns. We study weather over a period of about 30 years and decide climate of that place or population of a country or the world over a period of time. Since, changes occur time to time. Thus, geography is dynamic in nature.

How is geography considered as an integrated discipline or multi disciplinary subject?

As space and place affect a variety of topics such as economics, health, climate, plants and animals, Geography is highly interdisciplinary (Cambridge Encyclopedia, 2010)”. Thus it can be developed within geography as the two are related in terms of the biophysical aspects.

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What is geography Why should we study geography class 11?

Geography as an integrating discipline has interface with numerous natural and social sciences. • Geography not only takes note of the differences in the phenomena from place to place but integrates them holistically which may be different at other places. • Geography influences historical events.

Why is geography so important?

Geography helps us to explore and understand space and place – recognising the great differences in cultures, political systems, economies, landscapes and environments across the world, and exploring the links between them.

What is spatial in geography?

What is spatial thinking? Geographers are concerned with space. They study the locations of things, the conditions at different places, and the connections between places.