
What is the 80/20 rule in women?

What is the 80/20 rule in women?

The 80–20 rule describes a pareto distribution that states that ‘on average’ 80\% of women will only find the top 20\% of men to be attractive enough for them.

How does the 80/20 rule work in relationships?

The 80/20 relationship theory states that you can only get about 80\% of your wants and needs from a healthy relationship, while the remaining 20\% you need to provide for yourself. You should spend 80\% of your time devoted to your relationship, and still have 20\% freedom to follow your dreams and do what you want.

Is the 80/20 rule real dating?

The 80/20 dating rule states that if a relationship is great 80\% of the time, the rest can be less than ideal. After all, it is impossible and unrealistic to find a person or a relationship that is perfect all the time. Simply put, any more than 80\% may put too much pressure on the relationship.

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Is the 80/20 rule for women real?

It’s unflattering to the disguise in which the Feminine Imperative would put it in, but, whether realizable or not, the 80/20 rule practically defines female desire. The second mistake it to presume the inverse: that 20\% of men actually get 80\% of women.

Do 20\% of men really get 80\% of women?

The second mistake it to presume the inverse: that 20\% of men actually get 80\% of women. Usually this gets trotted out as an equal-for-equal argument that presumes, again, that desire should necessarily translate into consolidation.

Should the 80/20 rule be kept secret from men?

Women for whom keeping the 80/20 rule concealed from men’s popular consciousness (women with less capacity to compete intrasexually) can ill afford to have men aware of their own SMV and how it affects their long term sexual strategy.

Does the 80/20 rule apply to hypergamy?

It is however important to keep in mind that the 80/20 rule as it applies to Hypergamy is often bastardized in its inverse. The presumption goes that if 80\% of women want to have sex with the top 20\% of men it should necessarily mean that the top 20\% of men are fucking 80\% of women.