
What is the code to get into the Ministry of Magic?

What is the code to get into the Ministry of Magic?

When Arthur Weasley takes Harry Potter to the Ministry of Magic, they must first dial a secret code into a telephone keypad. He enters the number 62442. The letters underneath those numbers on a standard mobile phone spell out the word “magic.”

How did Hermione get into the Ministry of Magic?

By the events of Cursed Child, Harry Potter has become its head. According to Rowling, this is the department that Hermione Granger joins, after the events of the seventh book, transferring from the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, where she began her post-Hogwarts career.

Where is the Ministry for magic?

WHERE IS THE MINISTRY? In the world of Harry Potter, the Ministry of Magic is the governing body of the magical community in the United Kingdom. Like their Muggle counterparts based at the Houses of Parliament and on Whitehall, the Ministers have their offices in the Westminster area of London.

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What happens if you call 62442?

One simply dials 62442 (MAGIC) to speak to a witch who issues passes and descends the phone booth underground to the ministry. It just so happens there’s a red telephone booth in the London section of Universal Studios, just outside Diagon Alley.

What is so special about 5 digit password code 62442 you must dial to get in?

On a english phone with letter and number on the keys, 62442 means magic. On a english phone with letter and number on the keys, 62442 means magic. Why does the Ministry of Magic use 62442 as an entry code? Because it spells “Magic” if you look at the numbers on a touch-tone telephone keypad .

How is the minister of Magic chosen?

\* The Minister for Magic is democratically elected, although there have been times of crisis in which the post has simply been offered to an individual without a public vote (Albus Dumbledore was made such an offer, and turned it down repeatedly). Ministers for Magic tend to last much longer than Muggle ministers.

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What does Ministry of Magic do?

A Ministry of Magic was the primary governing body of the magical community in many countries. Headed by a Minister for Magic, a Ministry of Magic was responsible for regulating and enforcing laws for the magical community, as well as keeping said community hidden from the Muggle world.

What is Dumbledore’s full name?

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore
Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is a fictional character in J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series. For most of the series, he is the headmaster of the wizarding school Hogwarts….

Albus Dumbledore
Full name Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

How do you call Harry Potter?

Just dial (605) 475-6961.

Is Harry a prefect?

↑ He appears as a Gryffindor male prefect during Harry’s first three years in the video games. However, according to the books, only one prefect of each gender in each house is chosen each year, and Percy Weasley is already the Gryffindor male prefect in 1991-1994.

How did Harry Potter get into the Ministry of magic?

Arthur Weasley and Harry Potter on their way to the Ministry The visitor’s entrance of the Ministry of Magic was an abandoned red telephone box; one entered the Ministry by dialling “62442” (“magic”). Following the prompts of the operator, passes would be issued and the telephone box would descend through the ground into the Atrium (Level Eight).

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How do you get into the Ministry of magic?

There are a few ways one can enter the Ministry of Magic. Firstly, there is the telephone booth. If you are in London, I believe that all telephone booths will lead you to the Ministry of Magic if you dial the numbers 62442 (which I believe equates to MAGIC).

How do you get into the atrium in Harry Potter?

Following the prompts of the operator, passes would be issued and the telephone box would descend through the ground into the Atrium (Level Eight). Before Voldemort’s takeover, a Ministry worker could use the Floo Network or Apparate directly into the Atrium.

Where is the headquarters of the British Ministry of magic?

The headquarters of the British Ministry of Magic are located deep underground, below Whitehall, in London.