
What is the difference between royal blood and Subjects of Ymir?

What is the difference between royal blood and Subjects of Ymir?

Technically, every subject of Ymir has Royal blood, but it is not enough to make an impact. Remember, King Fritz was just a human and his bloodline can be diluted to the point where Ymir does not recognize it and all subjects are connected through Paths so that can not be diluted.

Do all Subjects of Ymir have royal blood?

It’s true that all Subjects of Ymir are descended from the original Titan, Ymir, but those who have royal blood are those who are directly descended from Ymir. This means that they are directly descended from the original King Fritz, which is why they are said to have royal blood.

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Are all Subjects of Ymir descendants of Ymir?

History. The Subjects of Ymir are descended from Ymir Fritz herself, the first human to acquire the power of the Titans over 1,800 years ago. After Ymir’s demise, her daughters Maria, Rose, and Sheena Fritz devoured her corpse and gained her ability to turn into a Titan.

Is YMIR different from Ymir Fritz?

Although they are both shifters, and they share the same name, they are two completely different people. This is Ymir Fritz. She held not only the power of the Founding Titan, but every other titan power as well.

Is every Eldian a descendant of Ymir?

Yes technically all Eldians have Ymir’s blood running through them, but only some are descended from royalty. And only those ones are able to control Ymir when they hold the Founding titan.

Is Tybur family royal blood?

To answer the question yes the Tybur family are Eldians and they are the most respected Eldians.

Are all Eldians descendants of Ymir?

Is Dina Fritz and YMIR Fritz related?

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Meanwhile, some members of the Fritz family stayed in Marley and went into hiding. The Marleyans treated the Eldians the way they used to be treated. Dina, a descendant of Ymir’s, and Grisha, the leader of the Eldian Restorationists, fell in love as they fought for their rights.

Are Subjects of Ymir and Eldians the same thing?

What is the difference between the Subjects of Ymir and the Eldians? That the Subjects of Ymir are those who possess Ymir’s blood and thus, are able to turn into Titans while being Eldian means being a citizen of Eldia.

What is the difference between subjects of Ymir and Royals?

The Subjects of Ymir is an umbrella term for the Eldian people, the royals just have higher purity/ concentration of Ymir genes i.e directly the children and “extended family” of Ymir Fritz. Say the trait to turn titan was a genetic marker shared among the eldian people. And say for example the average Eldian could have 0.05\% of (more)

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What is the difference between subjects of Ymir and Eldians?

Subjects of Ymir are those people who are descendants of Ymir Fritz (married (forcibly) to King Fritz), the first Founding Titan. Eldians are the people who make up the nation of Eldia. The nation of Eldia consists of people who are subjects of Ymir and other clans who have joined Eldia in its conquest.

How many children did Fritz and Ymir have?

To “reward” Ymir for her service, Fritz took her as his concubine and together, they had three children: Maria, Rose, and Sheena. It was speculated that during this time, Ymir grew to genuinely love and care for Fritz despite his behavior and attitude towards her.

What is so special about the Reiss family in Ymir?

The Reiss family is special because they are the descendants of the ‘first’ King Fritz, who was Ymir’s master way back when she came across the power of the titans. Ymir is essentially the family slave, passed down from generation to generation via the paths.