
What is the equation for cellular respiration?

What is the equation for cellular respiration?

Notice that the equation for cellular respiration is the direct opposite of photosynthesis: Cellular Respiration: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O.

What is the word equation for cellular respiration quizlet?

Cellular respiration is represented by the chemical formula C6H12 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy (as ATP).

Which is the word equation for photosynthesis Brainly?


What are the reactants in the equation?

The substance(s) to the left of the arrow in a chemical equation are called reactants. A reactant is a substance that is present at the start of a chemical reaction. The substance(s) to the right of the arrow are called products .

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What is word equation of photosynthesis?

The process of photosynthesis is commonly written as: 6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2. This means that the reactants, six carbon dioxide molecules and six water molecules, are converted by light energy captured by chlorophyll (implied by the arrow) into a sugar molecule and six oxygen molecules, the products.

What is the word equation of photosynthesis in words?

The photosynthesis equation is as follows: 6CO2 + 6H20 + (energy) → C6H12O6 + 6O2 Carbon dioxide + water + energy from light produces glucose and oxygen.

What are the reactants in the equation for cellular?

Reactants are the molecules that begin cellular respiration, in this case that would be oxygen and glucose. Products are what forms during cellular respiration. Here, the products are carbon dioxide, water, and energy.

What are reactants in respiration?

Anaerobic respiration

Aerobic respiration
Oxygen Present
Oxidation of glucose Complete
Reactants of respiration Glucose and oxygen
Products of respiration Carbon dioxide and water (and ATP)
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What is a word equation explain with the help of an example?

Word equations explain which substance reacts with another substance to form a new substance, while molecular equation use symbols and formulas with quantities showing reactants and products. For example, Zinc reacts with dilute sulphuric acid to produce zinc sulphate and hydrogen gas.

What is the correct word equation for photosynthesis Brainly?

The chemical equation for photosynthesis is 6CO2+6H2O→C6H12O6+6O2.

What is photosynthesis write the word equation for photosynthesis?

What are the four steps in cellular respiration?

In chronological order, the four steps of cellular respiration are glycolysis, a transition reaction, the Krebs Cycle and an electron transport chain.

What is the formula of cellular respiration?

Introduction Cellular respiration is the group metabolic reactions that happen in the cell of living organism that creates adenosine triphosphate, ATP, from biochemical energy. The formula for cellular respiration is C6H12O6 +6O26CO2+6H2O+ATP.

What are the correct steps for cellular respiration?

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(1) Glycolysis. Glycolysis is the first step in the chain of catabolic reactions the comprise the process of cellular respiration.

  • (2) Pyruvate Decarboxylation. Once pyruvate is formed from glycolysis,the body still needs to process the pyruvate to access the chemical energy stored in its bonds.
  • (3) Citric Acid Cycle.
  • (4) Oxidative Phosphorylation.
  • Which option is a balanced equation for cellular respiration?

    The balanced equation (formula) that represents cellular respiration is: C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + 38 ATP. This formula could also be read as: Glucose + oxygen –> water + carbon dioxide + energy. Essentially, this means that in cellular respiration glucose and oxygen are transformed to make water, carbon dioxide, and energy.