
What is the longest sauropod?

What is the longest sauropod?

Supersaurus, at 33 to 34 metres (108 to 112 ft) long, was the longest sauropod known from reasonably complete remains, but others, like the old record holder, Diplodocus, were also extremely long.

How tall is a Barosaurus?

40 ft.

How did sauropods get so big?

The analysis of the model revealed that the most likely reason for the evolution of very large size would be the improved quality and availability of food plants in the Mesozoic era and morphological traits allowing fast juvenile growth. There are also additional benefits of predator avoidance.

Which sauropod has the longest neck?

To date, the longest neck in relation to its body belongs to the Erketu ellisoni, a sauropod with a neck more than 24 feet (8 meters) long. It lived in what is now Mongolia’s Gobi Desert about 120 to 100 million years ago.

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How long was the neck of Barosaurus?

2181 at the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, with neck of Barosaurus? lentus BYU 9024 at the same scale. Photo by Axel Mauruszat, from Wikipedia; drawing from Scott Hartman’s Supersaurus skeleton reconstruction. Yes, this looks ridiculous.

Which was bigger brontosaurus or Diplodocus?

Diplodocus is longer and higher in weight in comparison to Brontosaurus. They are about 27 metres long, and the body mass weighs up to about 18 tons. According to phylogenetical studies and archaeological studies, Diplodocus lived in the late Jurassic period.

What is a 2 chambered heart?

The 2-chambered heart is a simple organ that pumps blood for animals with gills and single circulation. Because blood leaves the gills and immediately circulates to the rest of the body, the heart does not require additional chambers beyond the first two.

How big is a Barosaurus lentus?

Barosaurus lentus 1 Length: up to 38 m (125 ft) / 48 meters (157 ft) [BYU 9024 specimen] 2 Weight: 43 tons / 66 tons [BYU 9024 specimen] 3 Neck length: up to 15 m (49 ft) 4 Lived: Late Jurassic, 152–150 Ma More

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How big was the tail of a Barosaurus?

The Barosaur’s tail was quite short, but the neck was extremely long (9 – 15 m), thanks to which the Barosaurus reared up taller than almost all North American dinosaurs. The genus Barosaurus also includes fragments of skulls, jaws, limb bones and other remains of a dinosaur related to Diplodocus, found in Tanzania.

Was the Barosaurus an herbivore or carnivore?

Like other sauropods, the Barosaurus was an herbivore. It utilized its long neck to reach for vegetation even at the top of trees. It had heavy legs and a long tail.

How big was Barosaurus in 2020?

In 2020 Molina-Perez and Larramendi estimated it to be slightly smaller at 45 meters (148 ft) and 60 metric tons (66 short tons). Barosaurus was differently proportioned than its close relative Diplodocus, with a longer neck and shorter tail, but was about the same length overall.