
What is the meaning of Ezekiel chapter 20?

What is the meaning of Ezekiel chapter 20?

God, speaking through Ezekiel, refuses to talk to them. He has Ezekiel judge them and condemn them for their idolatry and abominations. God considers pouring out his anger on them, but for the sake of his name, leads them out of Egypt and into the wilderness. He gives them his laws and Sabbaths to keep.

What is the meaning of statutes in the Bible?

In biblical terminology, statute (Hebrew choq) refers to a law given without any reason or justification.

What are the statutes of God?

The statutes of God are warning signs and flashing lights to protect us. The word of God is not up for debate. Either we receive by obeying the scriptures or reject by disobeying them.

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What does Ezekiel chapter 22 mean?

God condemns Jerusalem as “the bloody city”: its citizens have shed innocent blood and worshipped idols. They’ll become a disgrace in the eyes of all the other nations. God goes on to attack the people for various sins: adultery, rape, incest, bribery, violating the Sabbath, shady financial dealings.

What is the meaning of Ezekiel 21?

God orders Ezekiel to mark out two roads for the Babylonians to invade, along with a signpost, leading them both to Rabbah (where the Ammorites live) and to Judah and Jerusalem. The King of Babylon will stand at the crossroads between these two paths, consulting his magical methods of divination.

What is the difference between commandments and ordinances?

As nouns the difference between ordinance and commandment is that ordinance is a local law, an edict or decree while commandment is one of the ten commandments.

What is the difference between an ordinance and a statute?

The biggest difference between a statute and an oridnance is that a statute is passed by a legislature while an ordinance is passed by a municipal government. Another difference is that statutes deal with things on a larger level than ordinances do.

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Is it a sin to have statues?

Yes. The statues are stone representations, thus worshiping them would, indeed, be sinful. Using statues as a mere visual depiction of the one you worship is fine, just like having a cross necklace, but if you start putting faith in the object rather than the one it depicts, you are straying into idolatry.

What does Ezekiel chapter 29 mean?

The hit list of countries continues. This time God orders Ezekiel to prophesy against Egypt and its pharaoh. God compares Pharaoh to a great dragon (like Leviathan or a crocodile) of the Nile, believing it created the river for itself.

Why didn’t Ezekiel preach in Jerusalem?

Ezekiel had no reason to go teach God’s Word in Jerusalem because the LORD God already had Jeremiah there. God commissioned Ezekiel to preach to Jews in Babylon about Jerusalem’s fall to show them they would not be returning to Jerusalem anytime soon. The false prophets were exposed.

What did Ezekiel give his disciples over to the law?

Ezekiel 20:25 I also gave them over to statutes that were not good and ordinances by which they could not live. I gave them over to worthless decrees and regulations that would not lead to life. I also gave them over to statutes that were not good and ordinances by which they could not live.

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Why did Ezekiel proclaim judgments of the Lord?

Ezekiel proclaimed judgments of the Lord to the Israelites because of various sin related issues and the abominable condition of Jerusalem. Ezekiel also proclaimed hope to those Israelites who were in exile. One hard part for Ezekiel involved the passing away of his wife. He could not mourn for her; God did not want him to.

What is the purpose of Ezekiel in the Book of Ezekiel?

God’s point in doing this was to be an example of not mourning because of the state of Jerusalem. God had Ezekiel proclaim judgments on the cities that surrounded Jerusalem because of sin related issues. Ezekiel and his book end with hope, restoration, and redemption of the Israelites and of God’s promised city, Jerusalem.
