
What is the meaning of Karbala?

What is the meaning of Karbala?

Definitions of Karbala. a city of central Iraq to the south of Baghdad; a holy city for Shiite Muslims because it is the site of the tomb of Mohammed’s grandson who was killed there in 680. synonyms: Kerbala, Kerbela.

Who wrote Battle of Karbala?

Maqtal al-Husayn
Maqtal al-Husayn, Abdullah ibn Muhammad, known by his epithet of Ibn Abi al-Dunya (d. 281 AH) Maqtal al-Husayn, Ya’qubi who has made a brief reference to battle of Karbala in his book Tarikh had also written a separate book under the name Maqtal al-Husayn.

Who survived Karbala?

Amongst those women who survived were Rubab (a.s) wife of Imam Husain (a.s) and his sister Lady Zainab (a.s) whose 2 sons Aun and Mohammad too were killed. His family was then taken to another place called Kufa which is also now a city in Iraq, where tyrant Yazid’s governor Ibn Ziyad was located.

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Why is Karbala called Karbala?

This last name is today known as Al-Hair and is where Husayn ibn Ali’s grave is located. The investigator Yaqut al-Hamawi had pointed out that the meaning of “Karbala” could have several explanations, one of which is that the place where Husayn ibn Ali was martyred is made of soft earth—”Al-Karbalat”.

Who won the battle of Karbala?

As per beliefs, the Battle of Karbala was fought near the river Euphrates (modern-day Iraq) under the command of Husayn ibn Ali or Imam Hussain in October 680 CE. The battle was one-sided and ended with a decisive Umayyad victory, while Hussain and his soldiers were brutally killed.

What is the significance of the event of Karbala?

Highlights of Karbala. The events of Karbala reflect the collision of the good versus the evil, the virtuous versus the wicked, and the collision of Imam Husayn (the head of virtue) versus Yazid (the head of impiety). Al-Husayn was a revolutionary person, a righteous man, the religious authority, the Imam of Muslim Ummah.

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What happened to Talha and Zubair?

A battle broke out though Zubair elected not to fight; Talha was wounded then bled to death. Thousands of people lost their lives. A’isha fell down from the camel after it was disabled; but luckily she was not hurt.

Why did Imam Husayn not recognize Mu’awiya?

Imam Husayn as head of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) never recognized Mu’awiya nor his followers. Before him Imam ‘Ali (a.s.) had fought battles against Mu’awiya because Mu’awiya continuously violated the Islamic principles.

What did Imam Ali do to A’isha?

Imam ‘Ali asked Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr, (A’isha’s brother), to take A’isha to Basrah for a few days, and from there to escort her to Medina with full honor and dignity. Upon leaving Basrah Al-Hasan (a.s.) and Al-Husayn (a.s.) accompanied the Prophet’s widow for some distance before bidding her farewell.