
What is the most powerful type of grenade?

What is the most powerful type of grenade?

M67 grenade

Diameter 2.5 in (64 mm)
Filling Composition B
Filling weight 6.5 oz (180 g)
Detonation mechanism Pyrotechnic delay M213 fuze (4–5.5 seconds)

How lethal are 40mm grenades?

A high-explosive grenade producing 150 fragments weighing 0.2 g (0.0071 oz) each, creating a deadly radius of 10 meters (33 feet) upon impact.

Is a stick of dynamite stronger than a grenade?

Just to be clear, there are different types of dynamite which will have different strengths. However, 1 stick of dynamite contains more explosives than an M67 grenade, which contains less than half a pound of explosives.

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Are 40mm grenades effective?

Whereas a hand-held grenade can be thrown tens of meters (at most), a rifle-mounted grenade launcher has a range of up to 400 meters. But an AGL (Automatic Grenade Launcher) with a high velocity 40mm gun gets you an effective range of around two kilometers (2000m), Stadheim explains.

What is the effective range of a frag grenade?

The fragmentation hand grenade has a lethal radius of 5 meters and can produce casualties up to 15 meters, dispersing fragments as far away as 230 meters. Learn more about Hand Grenade Training.

How much does a 40mm round cost?

High explosive 40mm grenades are available for $400 to $500 per cartridge; however, they are exceedingly rare on the civilian market, as each grenade constitutes a Destructive Device on its own, and must be registered with the Federal government, requiring payment of a $200 tax and compliance with storage regulations …

What explosive is used in 40mm grenades?

M433 High Explosive
M433 High Explosive Dual Purpose 40mm Grenade The grenade consists of the M118 Aluminum Cartridge Case, M550 Point Detonating Fuze, Copper Liner, Warhead Body with Fragmentation and CompA5 Explosive. The M433 is capable of defeating light armor and incapacitating personnel, out to a maximum range of 400 meters.

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What fires a 40mm round?

The M203 grenade launcher uses several fixed-type, low-velocity 40-mm rounds. The M203 fires high-explosive, illuminating, signaling, CS, and training ammunition. All M203 grenade launcher rounds are fixed rounds.

How many seconds before a grenade explodes?

From pulling the pin and throwing a grenade, it usually takes anywhere between two to six seconds before detonation occurs.

How much does a 40 mm grenade launcher cost?

M203 grenade launcher

Launcher, Grenade, 40mm, M203
Unit cost US$1,082
Produced 1969–present
Variants See Variants

How good is a 40mm he grenade?

“High Explosive 40mm grenade with a small blast radius for engaging grouped infantry and light vehicles.” 40mm HE is the standard ammunition for the M320 and GP-30. It can kill an enemy in one hit from its blast damage, but its effective radius is small, meaning it must land close to the enemy to kill him.

What is the lethal radius of a fragmentation grenade?

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An M67 fragmentation grenade, which is pretty typical among fragmentation hand grenades, has a lethal radius of about 15 feet (5m), and an injury radius of about 49 feet (15m).

What is a 40MM round used for in the military?

This page describes the most commonly used 40mm low-velocity rounds for the U.S. M320, M203, and M79 grenade launchers. These rounds include high-explosive, illuminating, signaling, CS, training, and multi-purpose ammunition.

What is a 4040mm grenade in Battlefield 3?

40mm grenades return to Battlefield 3 as the initial ammunition for the M320 / GP30 grenade launcher. It inflicts splash damage comparable to other explosive weapons (e.g. M67 Frag, SMAW / RPG-7V2 ), which can be reduced to non-fatal levels by the FLAK specialization.