
What is the percentile for 20000 rank in JEE mains?

What is the percentile for 20000 rank in JEE mains?

around 97.68 percentile
To get rank of 20k you need at least around 97.68 percentile and in terms of marks, it is around 120 marks.

What will be my rank if I score 250 in JEE Mains 2020?

If you have scored 250 in JEE Mains, then your percentile fall in between 99.88643768 – 99.84845946.

What rank will I get if I score 150 in JEE Mains 2020?

As per your score in JEE Mains 2020 and past years’ data analysis, you’re likely to get a percentile around 98.79-98.99. And you’re rank is likely to be around AIR 9,5 00.

Is 230 marks good in JEE mains?

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At 230 marks, you can expect to be in top 1500.

Is 99.5 percentile good in JEE mains?

Those Candidates who have already appeared in JEE Main January 2020 examination can appear in JEE Main April 2020 examination for improvement. The candidate’s best of the two NTA scores will be considered for preparation of ranking….NTA Score Calculation:

99 8750
98.7 11500
98.5 13500
98.3 15000

Is 250 a good score in JEE mains?

The competition in JEE Main 2020 is going to be high, but if students follow a strategy, it can lead to better results. JEE Main paper for BTech / BE is a 300 marks paper and if candidates score 250+, they can easily get admission in some of the top engineering institutes of India.

Is 130 a good score in JEE mains?

What is a Good Score in JEE Main?…JEE Main Expected Marks vs Rank Analysis 2022.

JEE Main Rank Range JEE Main Score Range
50,001 – 75,000 130 – 139
75,001 – 98,000 125 – 129
98,001 – 1,18,000 117 – 124
1,18,001 – 1,39,400 109 – 116
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What percentile is 220?

If you score 220 marks in jee mains papers 2 2021 then you would secure a rank around 1300-1400 and a percentile of around 99.65 – 99.71 according to the previous years trends.
