
What is the volume of the surface area is 96?

What is the volume of the surface area is 96?

The volume of a cube with surface area 96 inches squared is 64 cubic inches.

How do you find total surface area from volume?

Volume is a measure of capacity and is measure in cubic units. To calculate the volume of a rectangular prism, multiply the area of the base (length × width) times height.

How long is one side of a cube that has a total surface area of 96 in2?

1 Expert Answer The length of each side is 4 cm.

How do you find the volume of a cuboid when given the surface area?

Volume of cuboid (V) = length × breadth × height = Base area × height.

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How do you find the volume of a square with the surface area?

Starts here1:33Calculating the Volume of a Cube when given the Surface AreaYouTube

What is the measurement of each side of the box if the surface area is 96 cm?

A=6s2 , where s is the side length. Therefore, one side measures 4 cm.

What is the total surface area?

The total surface area of a solid is the sum of the areas of all of the faces or surfaces that enclose the solid. The faces include the tops and bottoms (bases) and the remaining surfaces. The sum of the areas of the rectangle and the two circles is the total surface area.

What is cuboid formula?

Volume of the cuboid = (length × breadth × height) Diagonal of a cube = √3l. Diagonal of the cuboid =√( l2 + b2 +h2) Perimeter of cube = 12 x side. Perimeter of cuboid = 4 (length + breadth + height)

What is the volume of a cuboid formula?

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The formula of volume of a cuboid is = Length × Width × Height.

What is the volume of a cube with surface area 96 inches?

The volume of a cube with surface area 96 inches squared is 64 cubic inches. Refer to the explanation for the process. You need to find the length on one side of the cube, and then cube the side to get volume.

What is the surface area of one side of a cube?

The surface area of a cube is equal to 6a2, where a is the length of a side. So divide 96 in2 by 6. This will give you the surface area of one side of the cube. The length, a of a side of a cube is the square root of the surface area of one side. The volume of a cube is a3.

What is the volume of the cube in cm3?

The total surface area of a cube is 96 cm 2 . The volume of the cube is Please log in or register to answer this question. Hence, the volume of the cube is 64 cm 3. Please log in or register to add a comment.

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What is the formula to find the area of a square?

The area of a square is determined by the formula: A = s2 Where s is the length of the side of the square. We can substitute the value above for the area of the square and solve for s giving: