
What makes a perfect tweet?

What makes a perfect tweet?

Use words, such as “you,” “we,” or “us.” It makes a difference to your audience to know you’re on their side. That way they feel there’s a person to talking to them. People can easily be turned off if your tweets come off robotic. Ask questions.

What is the most viewed tweet?


Rank Tweet
1 ZOZOTOWN新春セールが史上最速で取扱高100億円を先ほど突破!!日頃の感謝を込め、僕個人から100名様に100万円【総額1億円のお年玉】を現金でプレゼントします。応募方法は、僕をフォローいただいた上、このツイートをRTするだけ。受付は1/7まで。当選者には僕から直接DMします! #月に行くならお年玉
2 🎍謹賀新年🎍 【総額10億円】#前澤お年玉 100万円を1000人にプレゼントします! 100万円で皆さまの人生がよりハッピーになりますように。 応募方法は僕のフォローとこのツイートのリツイート。締切は1月7日23:59まで。 企画趣旨や当選条件などはYouTubeで説明してます。

How can I see exact tweets?

Do you want to search for an old Tweet or find a specific Tweet? Discover exactly what you’re looking for in search

  1. Enter your search into the search bar on twitter.com.
  2. Click Advanced search, located underneath Search filters on the upper right of your results page, or click More options and then click Advanced search.
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What are top tweets?

Top Tweets are the most relevant Tweets for your search. We determine relevance based on the popularity of a Tweet (e.g., when a lot of people are interacting with or sharing via Retweets and replies), the keywords it contains, and many other factors.

How do you make a tweet go viral?

Tips to improve your chances of spreading viral content on Twitter

  1. Build an Authentic Following.
  2. Tweet About Newsworthy Topics.
  3. Show Your Sense of Humor.
  4. Be Different.
  5. Always Strive to Add Value.

How do you write a nice tweet?

The perfect tweet is:

  1. Front loaded. Put the most important words at the start of the tweet to catch a follower’s eye.
  2. Scannable. Write simply and concisely.
  3. Specific. Make your content valuable and useful.
  4. Active. Use strong verbs and skip the adjectives and adverbs.
  5. Focused.
  6. Compelling.
  7. Short.
  8. On brand.

What is the most tweeted hashtag in 24 hours?

The global authority shared that the most used hashtag in 24 hours on Twitter is #TwitterBestFandom, which achieved 60,055,339 uses from 16 to 17 March 2019.

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What hashtags are trending Twitter?

Top Twitter Trending Topics & Hashtags Today….Twitter Trends – India.

# Rank Trending Topic / Hashtag Tweet Volume
1. Copy #INDvsSA Under 10K Tweets Under 10K
5. Copy #SalmanKhan 70.1K Tweets 70.1K
6. Copy Rahane Under 10K Tweets Under 10K

How can I see my very first tweet?

How to Find Your First Tweet

  1. Visit your Twitter profile to find the date for when you joined Twitter.
  2. Use Twitter’s advanced search to add your Twitter account and a date range (perhaps the month you joined to three months after?) to find your first tweets.

What is my oldest tweet?

How to find your first tweet

  1. Step 1: Find your join date. Do you remember when you joined Twitter?
  2. Step 2: Rev up Twitter’s Advanced Search. Next, open Twitter Advanced search and type in your username in the “From these accounts” input field.
  3. Step 3: Specify the dates you want to search.