
What makes Japanese music different from Korea?

What makes Japanese music different from Korea?

there’s one big difference: the language of the songs. Korean and Japanese have a smoother flow to the language, without too much harshness and bounciness. That’s why the words can go well with the music. The Chinese language, as the world knows, is very harsh, often very difficult to listen to unless you are Chinese.

What makes Japanese music unique?

The music often looks to represent natural sounds, and the sounds of life, through percussion, wind and stringed instruments. An interesting feature of classical Japanese music is its sparse rhythm and absence of regular chords. All of the rhythms are ‘ma’-based and silence is an important part of the songs.

How are Japanese and Korean different?

Both countries have collective society, but Japan has an external collective culture, while South Korea has an internal collective culture. It means Japanese collectivism is more society-centered, while Korean collectivism is more family-centered. In Japan, following social standard and social order is very important.

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What is the difference between Japanese and Chinese music?

The only difference between the Chinese and Japanese tones is the pronunciation of the character for each pitch’s name. Of the four Japanese scales ryo, ritsu, yo, and in, the first two show that ancient Japanese music followed the East Asian tradition in the use of two seven-tone scales, each with a pentatonic core.

Is JPOP similar to Kpop?

KPOP and JPOP: two completely different branches on the same pop music tree. KPOP has grown into a worldwide genre. Similarly in Japan, there also is a genre of music called JPOP, a word that stands for all Japanese pop music, which has evolved over the years to become a massive industry within the country.

How can you describe the music of Korea?

The music of Korea refers to music from the Korean peninsula ranging from prehistoric times to the division of Korea into South and North in 1945. It includes court music, folk music, poetic songs, and religious music used in shamanistic and Buddhist traditions.

How does Japanese music differ from Western music?

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The structural intents of Japanese music are as varied as those of the West, but one of special interest is the frequent application of a three-part division of a melody, a section of a piece, or an entire composition. This is in contrast to the more typical two-part division of Western music.

Are Korean and Japanese cultures similar?

Japan’s is an Old World East Asian society with Confucian, Buddhist and Shinto roots. Korea and Japan share the same cultural heritage. Korean civilization, and the transmission of Chinese culture through Korea, had much influence on Japan. The Emperor himself has acknowledged a “kinship” with Korea.

What is the traditional music of Korea?

Together, traditional Korean music is referred to as gugak (Hangul: 국악), which literally means “national music.”

What are the musical elements used in Korea music?

express Korean identity. Following a review of the history of twentieth-century musical compositions in South Korea is a brief discussion of the elements of Korean traditional music in five categories: rhythm, melody, ornamentation, instruments, and form.

What is the difference between traditional Chinese music and Japanese music?

Traditional Chinese music has a unique five-note scale, using 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6, while traditional Japanese music uses the “1-3-4-6-7” scale. If you compare the Chinese ballad “Jasmine Flower” and the Japanese “Sakura ( cherry blossoms)”,…

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What’s the difference between Korean pop and Japanese pop?

As stated by others already, Korean Pop is definitely very pop driven and follows trends. It usually fuses mainly the elements of Hip-Hop, R&B, Electropop etc. Japanese Pop, as far as I’ve heard definitely is similar but a lot also happens to be J-Rock or at least rock influenced. Chinese pop music is definitely pretty singing and ballad heavy.

Why are Japanese instruments so different?

Japanese instruments, on the other hand, embraced the difference of timbres between pitches, and the musical language developed to accommodate those differences. Frequently the same pitch is heard with different fingerings, resulting in a vastly different dynamic level and tone color. Take for example the sawari sound of the shamisen.

Why can’t Japanese musicians merge the sounds of East and West?

The urgency to “fix” the natural sounds of musical instruments never entered the minds of Japanese musicians as it did in the West, and the beauty of these subtle nuances of timbre became the standard. This is a fundamental difference in musical philosophy that presents one of the greatest challenges in merging the sounds of East and West.