
What problems did Italy face after WW1?

What problems did Italy face after WW1?

What problems did Italy face after World War I? Italy faced unemployment, a decline in trade, rising taxes, and a weak and divided government. How did these problems help Mussolini win power? His promises to revive Rome’s greatness, to replace turmoil with order, and to end corruption had great appeal.

How did fascism gain popularity in Germany?

In Germany, totalitarianism gained popularity in the form of the National Socialist German Workers’ party, otherwise known as the Nazis. Economic conditions dramatically increased popular discontent with the government and prompted many to look for a new leader who would restore Germany to its former glory.

What is the difference between communism and fascism in sociology?

Diffen › Social Sciences › History. While communism is a system based around a theory of economic equality and advocates for a classless society, fascism is a nationalistic, top-down system with rigid class roles that is ruled by an all-powerful dictator.

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Why can’t communism succeed?

Communism, or socialism, couldn’t succeed, Mises wrote in 1920, because it had abolished free markets so that officials had no market prices to guide them in planning production.

What is the relationship between communism and capitalism?

Communism and Fascism in Capitalistic Systems. In capitalist systems, the presence of “public domain” works, to be shared by all, follows a communist principle, as does a system of public education. Employee-owned companies follow a communist model in giving workers the same rights and privileges as owners.

Was communism defeated by fascism?

But they were anticipated and defeated by an ex-Socialist, Benito Mussolini, who had become the evangel of another armed doctrine. This was fascism. Communism was based on the economic teachings of Karl Marx, as interpreted by Lenin and by Lenin’s successor, Josef Stalin.