
What rights did slaves have in the 1800s?

What rights did slaves have in the 1800s?

Slaves had few legal rights: in court their testimony was inadmissible in any litigation involving whites; they could make no contract, nor could they own property; even if attacked, they could not strike a white person.

How did slavery function economically and socially?

How did slavery function economically and socially? Slavery isolated blacks from whites. As a result, African Americans began to develop a society and culture of their own separate from white civilization. Slaves made their plantations profitable.

What was an argument used to try to justify slavery answers?

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Explanation: One important argument the South saw reasonable and justifiable to not abolish slavery was its dependence for the growth of its economy. In other words, the South’s economy was maintained due to the work of the enslaved. The South’s economy was agriculturally based.

How did slavery shape social and economic relations in the Old South?

How did slavery shape social and economic relations in the Old South? Slavery has always been a source of cheap labor which shows its economic aspects, and discrimination against slaves/blacks has always been a problem which shows its social relations in the Old South.

How did slaves fight the system?

Slaves also fought the system of slavery by escaping. They used secret passageways and trails to get to free land (free states/the northern area). This system of passages was known as the Underground Railroad.

How did slavery shape the southern economy and society quizlet?

How did slavery shape the southern economy and society, and how did it make the South different from the North? Slavery made the South more agricultural than the North. The South was a major force in international commerce. The North was more industrial than the South, so therefore the South grew but did not develop.

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What was the pro slavery argument quizlet?

The pro-slavery argument was that slavery was actually a moral practice in that slaves were treated better than factory workers in the North. Slaves had shelter, and food, while in the north, people starved to death and struggled to support their families.

How did slavery affect the South socially?

Slave labor discouraged immigrants, including skilled tradesmen, from seeking employment in the South; slavery caused the Souther to develop more distinct social classes than other parts of the country; slaves proved to be a costly investment for plantation owners, creating economic problems because there were unable …

How did slaves resist slavery in the 1800s?

Many resisted slavery in a variety of ways, differing in intensity and methodology. Among the less obvious methods of resistance were actions such as feigning illness, working slowly, producing shoddy work, and misplacing or damaging tools and equipment.

How did slavery shape social and economic relations in the South?