
What stage of cellular respiration can occur in cells with or without oxygen present?

What stage of cellular respiration can occur in cells with or without oxygen present?

Glycolysis, which is the first step in all types of cellular respiration is anaerobic and does not require oxygen. If oxygen is present, the pathway will continue on to the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. However, if oxygen is not present, some organisms can undergo fermentation to continually produce ATP.

What would happen to the process of cellular respiration if there was no oxygen?

Explanation: Aerobic respiration requires oxygen. In aerobic respiration, one molecule of glucose is broken down to produce 34 to 36 molecules of ATP, the energy currency of the cell. If there was no oxygen available, aerobic respiration would stop and organsims that rely on aerobic respiration would die.

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How many stages are there in cellular respiration?

three stages
The reactions of cellular respiration can be grouped into three stages: glycolysis (stage 1), the Krebs cycle, also called the citric acid cycle (stage 2), and electron transport (stage 3). Figure below gives an overview of these three stages, which are further discussed in the concepts that follow.

What are the 3 stages of cellular respiration and where does each of them take place inside of the cell?

The three main stages of cellular respiration (aerobic) would include Glycolysis in the cytoplasm, the Kreb’s Cycle in the Mitochondrial Matrix and the Electron Transport Chain in the Mitochondrial Membrane.

What are the 3 stages of cellular respiration?

Summary: the three stages of Aerobic Respiration Carbohydrates are broken down using all three stages of respiration (glycolysis, citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain).

What are the 4 stages of cellular respiration?

The stages of cellular respiration include glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, the citric acid or Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation.

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Where do stages of cellular respiration occur?

The Location of Cellular Respiration Cellular respiration takes place in both the cytosol and mitochondria of cells. Glycolysis takes place in the cytosol, whereas pyruvate oxidation, the Krebs cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation occur in the mitochondrion.

What are the three stages of cellular respiration?

This process occurs in three stages: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and electron transport. The latter two stages require oxygen, making cellular respiration anaerobic process. There are also ways of making ATP from glucose without oxygen.

Does cellular respiration always require oxygen?

Cellular respiration does not always require oxygen, but aerobic cellular respiration is more efficient and produces more cellular energy, also known as ATP. The reactants of cellular respiration are glucose and oxygen, and the products are water, carbon dioxide and ATP.

How many ATP are produced during cellular respiration?

Metabolic pathways that contribute to the production of ATP molecules in cells are collectively referred to as cellular respiration. When a molecule of glucose undergoes aerobic cellular respiration, 36 molecules of ATP are produced. Glucose is an energy-rich molecule.

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Is glycolysis aerobic or anaerobic respiration?

Glycolysis, which is the first step in all types of cellular respiration is anaerobic and does not require oxygen. If oxygen is present, the pathway will continue on to the Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation. However, if oxygen is not present, some organisms can undergo fermentation to continually produce ATP.