
What type of retainer is best after braces?

What type of retainer is best after braces?

Clear retainers should be worn day and night straight after your orthodontic treatment is finished. It’s usually possible to go onto nighttime wear after 3 months but that would be reviewed at a later date. Invisalign also produce a high quality, more durable clear retainer after braces called ‘Vivera’.

Are wire braces better than Invisalign?

While Invisalign aligners may not have sufficient grip to draw out teeth that have grown into the wrong place, the tension on the brackets when pulled by the braces wire is extremely effective at moving those teeth. Braces offer maximal grip that can re-align even severely misaligned teeth.

Are wire retainers better than clear?

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Clear retainers are more comfortable because they only cover your teeth and do not have any portion sitting on your other hard or soft oral tissues. Wire retainers have a thin acrylic plate (similar to dentures) that sits on your palate behind your anterior teeth.

Which is better clear or metal retainer?

A metal retainer is just as effective as a clear retainer is. They are durable and can last for decades. They can be less expensive than clear retainers. It is possible to make adjustments to the wire, something that cannot be done with clear retainers.

Are wire retainers better than plastic?

Metal retainers, for instance, are broadly speaking more durable than plastic retainers. Additionally, Hawley retainers are visible to others. Essix retainers are effective but are less durable than metal retainers. Many patients prefer them, however, because they are not as noticeable.

How long do wire retainers last?

The glue that bonds the wire can wear out with the everyday activity your mouth experiences—eating, talking, brushing and flossing. A bonded retainer on your upper teeth may last up to three years, while a lower bonded retainer will last longer, as this part of the mouth doesn’t see as much activity.

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Are metal braces faster than Invisalign?

Is Invisalign Really Faster than Braces? In short, the answer is yes. While traditional metal braces require somewhere between 18 and 24 months, the average length of treatment with Invisalign is 12 months.

Can I switch from metal braces to Invisalign?

In some cases, switching from metal braces to Invisalign aligners is possible, but in other cases, it’s not. Some patients even turn to Invisalign because they are not happy with the results they achieved with metal braces. However, any change in your treatment will need to be discussed with your orthodontist.

Is Invisalign just a retainer?

Invisalign aligners are designed as an alternative to traditional metal braces. The aligners are made from clear plastic. In this way, they are similar to retainers. However, Invisalign aligners are designed to apply pressure to specific teeth in order to shift them little by little.

Which retainer is best?

If appearance is a priority, your best options are a clear or permanent retainer. Clear retainers are virtually invisible, which means you could wear them at any time and they barely will be noticed. The same goes for permanent retainers because the wire is positioned along the back of your front teeth.

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Whats cheaper braces or Invisalign?

The average cost of Invisalign is comparable to the cost of braces. Metal braces are typically priced from $1,800 to $5,500. Invisalign varies between $3,000 and $5,000.