
What was the contribution of the Christian missionaries to the Indian society?

What was the contribution of the Christian missionaries to the Indian society?

One of the activities of the Christian missionaries in the second half of the 19th century was the work among women. The missionaries were the first to promote women’s education in India. Women’s education led to the enlightenment of Indian women of all religions, castes, and regions in modem times.

What was the role of Christian missionaries?

Missionaries preach the Christian faith (and sometimes to administer sacraments), and provide humanitarian aid. Christian doctrines (such as the “Doctrine of Love” professed by many missions) permit the provision of aid without requiring religious conversion.

What are the contributions of Christianity?

Christianity has been intricately intertwined with the history and formation of Western society. Throughout its long history, the Church has been a major source of social services like schooling and medical care; an inspiration for art, culture and philosophy; and an influential player in politics and religion.

What are the effects of Christianity on society?

As Christianity advanced throughout the world, cultures and civilizations changed for the better. Recognizing every person is created in the image of God, Christians led the abolition of slavery in England and America. Christians built churches, schools, orphanages, hospitals, homeless shelters and soup kitchens.

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How did missionaries help spread Christianity?

Perhaps the most lasting cultural impact of the missionaries has come through their contributions to Bible translation and education. By translating the Bible into the language of a non-European people, missionaries had to become pupils, learning the finer points of a local language from indigenous teachers.

What was the goal of the missionaries in India?

The main aim of the missionaries was conversion and large resources were spent on the education but these were not sufficient for this vast purpose. In India, Alexander Duff’s work was successful but not for all missionaries.

How does Christianity affect the lives of its followers?

Christianity has a major impact on its followers everyday life. Christians live by the Bible known as ” The Bread of Life,” “The Book of Instructions,” and “The only infallible written word of God.” Religion affects human’s actions, behavior, and lifestyle. These commandments were God’s laws.

How did Christianity affect economy?

They believe that higher church attendance depresses growth because it signifies a greater use of resources by the religion sector. However, that suppression of growth is tempered by the extent to which church attendance leads to greater religious beliefs, which in turn encourages economic growth.

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Which change has most affected the practice of Christianity?

Since the standardization of Christian beliefs, which change has most affected the practice of Christianity? Early Christians were persecuted for their beliefs. Which belief in particular made others suspicious of Christians? Who was the first Christian Roman emperor?

Do missionaries help or harm?

Missionaries can cause harm because they’re human and not perfect, but missionaries who truly follow Jesus and carry out the Great Commission help more than they harm. They do the most important work in the world by loving people as Jesus would, they share the gospel, and they add value to communities.

How did the missionaries bring Europeans closer to the Indians?

The Christian missionaries spread Christianity in India and played a significant role in promoting language, literature, and art. The missionaries in order to understand and be understood by the Indian people brought out grammars and dictionaries of the Indian languages.

What was the role of missionaries in spreading education in India?

Missionaries educated children in local language, raised the standard of education, trained teachers and improved methods of teaching. Missionaries were ahead of their times. Women empowerment would be possible only when women are educated. So, they began to open schools for girls.

What are the colleges started by missionaries in India?

St. Stephen’s College at Delhi, Madras Christian College at Madras, and St. John’s College at Agra are a few of the many institutions of higher education started by the missionaries. Some of the first missions to India in the 1820s applied themselves rigorously to the education of women.

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What was the missionary clause of the Indian Constitution?

Christian missionary activities in British India. Three days later,‘the missionary clauses’ were accepted by the Committee, which sought to empower the East India Company to send out schoolmasters, and other approved persons, foe the religious and moral improvement of the inhabitants of the British Dominions in India.

What are the benefits of conversion of India to Christianity?

The conversion of India to Christianity will spell temporal benefits to the heathens. Far from the unsettling it, the conversion of the heathens to Christianity will further consolidate the empire. Finally a missionary clause was attached to Charter Act 1813 passed by the Parliament.

What is the biggest problem facing Christianity in India?

The members of the church grew most of the pepper that was exported to Portugal. One of the gravest problems facing Christianity in India is the problem of adaptation. Despite Hindu willingness to adapt Christianity into their religious system, Christians have encountered difficulties with Indians unwilling to compromise their own beliefs.