
What was the falx used for?

What was the falx used for?

the Falx sword, similar to a Falcata, used its forward facing curve to crack into enemy helmets or hook around shields. Both swords were famously used by Thracians, Bastarne, Dacians, and other Balkan barbarians. Romans soldiers also occasionally used both swords as a substitute for the Gladius.

When was the falx used?

Used almost exclusively by the Thracians, examples have been found dating from 300-400 BC. As a weapon, the rhomphaia was feared (like the falx) because of the cutting power afforded to it by its design. The falx forced the only documented change in Roman armour brought about by an encounter with a new weapon.

How did the dacians fight?

Using the falx, the Dacian warriors were able to counter the power of the compact, massed Roman formations. During the time of the Roman conquest of Dacia (101 – 102, 105 – 106), legionaries had reinforcing iron straps applied to their helmets.

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What replaced the Gladius?

The spatha
The spatha apparently replaced the gladius in the front ranks, giving the infantry more reach when thrusting.

What is the Dacian FALX?

The falx was a weapon with a curved blade that was sharp on the inside edge used by the Thracians and Dacians – and, later, a siege hook used by the Romans.

Who used the falcata?

Falcata. The falcata was a curved, two-foot long sword that was used by Celtiberian warriors in ancient Spain.

Who conquered the Dacians?

It is estimated that the population of Roman Dacia ranged from 650,000 to 1,200,000. It was conquered by Trajan (98–117) after two campaigns that devastated the Dacian Kingdom of Decebalus.

Why was Gladius so effective?

The short blade of the gladius Hispaniensis made it an ideal weapon when soldiers were closely engaged with the enemy and gave its carrier a distinct advantage over an opponent armed with an unwieldy and heavier, longer-bladed sword who had no space in which to swing his blade.

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Did the Romans have cavalry?

Roman cavalry (Latin: equites Romani) refers to the horse-mounted forces of the Roman army throughout the Regal, Republican, and Imperial eras. In the Regal era the Roman cavalry was a group of 300 soldiers called the Celeres, tasked with guarding the king. Later their numbers were doubled to 600, then possibly 1,800.

Is FALX a sword?

The two-handed falx is clearly related to the Thracian rhomphaia. It is a derivative of both the sword and the spear, having evolved from a spear to a polearm before becoming more dramatically curved to facilitate a superior cutting action.