
What was the main reason for Britain leaving India?

What was the main reason for Britain leaving India?

The country was deeply divided along religious lines. In 1946-47, as independence grew closer, tensions turned into terrible violence between Muslims and Hindus. In 1947 the British withdrew from the area and it was partitioned into two independent countries – India (mostly Hindu) and Pakistan (mostly Muslim).

What was the British effect on India and its economy?

The Industrial Revolution in England created a serious impact on Indian economy as it reversed the character and composition of India’s foreign trade. This led to destruction of Indian handicrafts although there was no substantial growth of modern factory industry.

What harm did the British do to the Indian economy?

British economic exploitation, the decay of indigenous industries, the failure of modern industries to replace them, high taxation, the drain of wealth to Britain and a backward agrarian structure leading to the stagnation of agriculture and the exploitation of the poor peasants by the zamindars, landlords, princes.

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What did Britain take away from India?

Drawing on nearly two centuries of detailed data on tax and trade, Patnaik calculated that Britain drained a total of nearly $45 trillion from India during the period 1765 to 1938.

Why did the British leave India Quora?

According to Clement Attlee, the British prime minister reason why British left India was because they lost trust in their Indian soldiers’ loyalty (Indian soldiers formed majority of British army and army was the instrument of British control in India).

Why did British came to India Quora?

British came to India to colonize it under the garb of trade. Britain was the first country in the world to see Industrial revolution in 17th Century. For Industrial revolution to sustain, large markets were required. India was the largest market in the world at that time.

How did the British impact India?

The British signed treaties and made military and trading alliances with many of the independent states that made up India. The British were very effective at infiltrating these states and gradually taking control. They often left the local princes in charge of the various parts of India.

How did the British control Indian economy?

Britain’s rise for 200 years was financed by its depredation in India.” British economic policies gave them a monopoly over India’s large market and cotton resources. India served as both a significant supplier of raw goods to British manufacturers and a large captive market for British manufactured goods.

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What would have happened if British never came to India?

India had always been a peaceful nation and would have nothing to with the World War II had it not been under the rule of the British. The unscrupulous wartime policies of the British to supply food to soldiers at war led to the shortage of food in Bengal and Bihar causing millions of deaths out of starvation.

How did the British disrupt the traditional industry?

Indian goods made with primitive techniques could not compete with goods produced on a mass scale by powerful steam-operated machines. The development of railways enabled British manufactures to reach and uproot the traditional industries in the remotest villages of the country.

How did the British Empire treat India?

The British view tended to portray British rule as a charitable exercise – they suffered India’s environment (eg climate, diseases) in order to bring to India good government and economic development (eg railways, irrigation, medicine). Modern admirers of British rule also note these benefits.

Why did the British leave India in 1947?

The British left India in 1947 due to many problems such as economic ,revolts and international situations. The economic situation was Britain was in debt to India at roughly £3 billion with a rise of £70 million daily.

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What were the reasons for the Quit India Movement?

In reply, Attlee cited several reasons, the most important of which were in I.N.A. activities of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose, which weakened the very foundation of the British Empire in India and the RIN Mutiny which was made the British realize that the Indian armed forces could no longer be trusted to prop up the British.

Did Gandhi’s Quit India Movement die out before 1947?

I put it straight to him like this: “The Quit India Movement of Gandhi practically died out long before 1947 and there was nothing in the Indian situation at that time, which made it necessary for the British to leave India in a hurry. Why then did they do so?”

What was the economic situation of the British Empire in India?

The economic situation was Britain was in debt to India at roughly £3 billion with a rise of £70 million daily. They were at this point no longer profiting from their association with India and much of the money they needed to maintain India was being spent on improving Britain at home with the NHS ,welfare states and its industry.