
What would happen if British still ruled India?

What would happen if British still ruled India?

If India was still being ruled by the Britishers, there would have surely been much better infrastructure but it was possible that most of the Indians would have either died in the wars of other countries or would have continued to be slaves of the Britishers living in India.

Why did the British support the partition of India?

The British, while not approving of a separate Muslim homeland, appreciated the simplicity of a single voice to speak on behalf of India’s Muslims. Britain had wanted India and its army to remain united to keep India in its system of ‘imperial defence’.

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Who was responsible for partition of India?

Markandey Katju views the British as bearing responsibility for the partition of India; he regards Jinnah as a British agent who advocated for the creation of Pakistan in order “to satisfy his ambition to become the ‘Quaid-e-Azam’, regardless of the suffering his actions caused to both Hindus and Muslims.” Katju …

How did India feel about British rule?

The British view tended to portray British rule as a charitable exercise – they suffered India’s environment (eg climate, diseases) in order to bring to India good government and economic development (eg railways, irrigation, medicine). Modern admirers of British rule also note these benefits.

What if Britain never colonized India?

India would probably be a continent in itself consisting of 30-40 states each aligning its identity to a language or religion. They either have monarchies, parliamentary systems or a presidential system, some being stronger than others. Border security would be tight due to terrorism and revolts by Naxalites.

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What are the consequences of partition of India?

(i) After 1947 most of the population transferred from one to another in unplanned manner. (ii) Many people was killed in the name of religion. (iii) Lakh of people who managed to cross the border lived their life as refugees and in refugee camps. (iv) Thousands of women were abducted.

Which state of India was not ruled by British?

India had 565 princely states during the year 1947. These were ruled by native rulers and not the British. The present states of Telangana, Goa, Jammu, and Kashmir, Sikkim, and Rajasthan were never under the British rule in India.

What was the partition of India?

“Partition” – the division of British India into the two separate states of India and Pakistan on August 14-15, 1947 – was the “last-minute” mechanism by which the British were able to secure agreement over how independence would take place.

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What was the former British province of Punjab divided into?

The Partition of British India split the former British province of Punjab between the Dominion of India and the Dominion of Pakistan.

What led to the end of the British Raj?

The end of the Raj. When Britain took India into the war without consultation in 1939, Congress opposed it; large nationalist protests ensued, culminating in the 1942 Quit India movement, a mass movement against British rule.

Why did post partition migration to India from East Pakistan take place?

Post-partition migration to India from East Pakistan Year Reason Number 1947 Partition 344,000 1948 Fear due to the annexation of Hyderabad 786,000 1950 1950 Barisal Riots 1,575,000 1956 Pakistan becomes Islamic Republic 320,000