
When might you have benefited from asking a question on Stack Overflow?

When might you have benefited from asking a question on Stack Overflow?

We’re recalculating reputation for every Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange individual based on this change. Every question upvote earned in the past will earn a value of ten reputation points retroactively.

How do you get reputation on Stack Overflow?

The main way to gain reputation on Stack Overflow is to get your questions and answers upvoted by others….What is Stack Overflow reputation?

  1. Question is upvoted = +10 reputation.
  2. Answer is upvoted = +10 reputation.
  3. Answer is marked as accepted = +15 reputation.

How do I mark a question as answered on Stack Overflow?

Choose one answer that you believe is the best solution to your problem. To mark an answer as accepted, click on the check mark beside the answer to toggle it from greyed out to filled in. You may change which answer is accepted, or simply un-accept the answer, at any time.

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Why Stack Overflow is mean?

A stack overflow is an undesirable condition in which a particular computer program tries to use more memory space than the call stack has available. In programming, the call stack is a buffer that stores requests that need to be handled. In Windows, a stack overflow error can be caused by certain types of malware.

Why people answer questions on Stack Overflow?

Millions of programmers (probably close to all of us) use Stack Overflow to find solutions from previously asked questions. So if you answer a question, you are helping many people in addition to the original asker. That just feels good.

What is the benefit of Stack Overflow?

Users of Stack Overflow can earn reputation points and “badges”; for example, a person is awarded 10 reputation points for receiving an “up” vote on a question or an answer to a question, and can receive badges for their valued contributions, which represents a gamification of the traditional Q&A website.

Can we earn from Stack Overflow?

You can earn money with Stack Overflow actually, but not directly. For example, when you be one of the top users, your chance to get job offer from companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon increase automatically. For example, Jon Skeet is the top user on Stack Overflow right now and he is working on Google.

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Is Stack Overflow reputation important?

The reputations at Stack Overflow will help you market yourself as Techie and Tech Savvy person, based on your questions and answers at Stack Overflow. This will be helpful in showcasing your talent and knowledge in the technologies you are mastered in.

Why are questions no longer being accepted from my account?

Once you have posted too many poorly-received questions or answers, you will be banned from posting more, and you will see the error message. If a post was poorly-received (downvoted or closed), that will continue to count against your account even if the post is deleted!

How do I respond to the person who answered my question?

  1. If you agree or accept the answer and feel praise is in order, then write something like “Thank you. It was a good/great/useful answer.” Keep it light and lightweight.
  2. If you disagree or don’t like the answer, your normal routine should be just to ignore it (skip it). You might consider downvoting, of course.

Why is Stack Overflow down?

Stack Overflow Goes Down, Programmers Around The World Panic (It’s Back Up Now) According to Stack Overflow’s parent company Stack Exchange, the cause was a DDoS attack against its network provider. The issue has been “partially mitigated” and the site is back up and running now, Stack Exchange says.

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How many questions are on Stack Overflow?

Since 2008, Stack Overflow has over 18 million questions, with over 11 million users and 51 million unique visitors per month. This is a huge value add for programmers across the world.

Is Stack Overflow a good place to ask competitive programming questions?

To the uninitiated, Stack Overflow might seem like a good place to ask questions about Competitive Programming. It’s the standard place on the Web to ask programming questions, and competitive programming is about programming, right? Actually, it’s not quite that simple.

Where can I learn competitive programming contest problems?

Coding Blocks, your one stop destination to learn Coding, is excited to announce its new course in Competitive Programming Contest Problems.

Should I use Stack Exchange or Quora for competitive programming?

If you have a general question about competitive programming, or a question about a specific contest problem, then Stack Exchange sites are not ideal for getting an answer. However, Quora has a topic that accepts almost any question related to competitive programming. For example:

What is the importance of time in programming contest?

Time is considered as a prime factor in tie-breaking for ranking participants with the same scores in programming contests. Again, to save time one must understand the problem as fast as possible which depends on how you are reading a programming question?.