
When was Indian Forest Act passed Class 9?

When was Indian Forest Act passed Class 9?

(16 of 1927) An Act to consolidate the law relating to forests, the transit of forest-produce and the duty leviable on timber and other forest-produce.

When did Indian Forest Act passed?

Indian Forest Act, 1927
Citation Act No. 16 of 1927
Territorial extent Whole of India
Enacted by Imperial Legislative Council
Commenced 21 September 1927

What was Indian Forest Act of 1878?

The Indian Forest Act of 1878 divided Indian forests into reserved forests (completely government controlled), protected forests (partly government controlled), and village forests (controlled by abutting villages).

What is Forest Act Class 9?

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The 1878 Act divided forests into three categories- reserved, protected and village forests. Villagers were not allowed to take anything from the reserved forests, either for personal or commercial use. They were allowed to take wood from protected or village forests for house building or fuel.

When was the first Forest Act enacted a 1858 B 1911 C 1865 and 1936?

In 1865 the first Indian Forest Act was passed. It came into effect on 1 May 1865. The Act empowered the Government to declare any land covered with trees as Government forests and to issue rules for conserving them.

When was the Indian Forest Act passed a 1869 B 1855 C 1868 D 1860?

Complete answer: The Imperial Forest Department was set up in 1864 and it helped in formulation Indian Forest Act which was passed in the year 1865.

Which of the following decision was taken by the Forest Act 1878?

Forests were to be cleared for cultivation.

What is 10th reserved forest?

Like sanctuaries, zoo, national parks and other animal rescue centres, the reserved forest is a protected forest with a natural habitat with a high degree of protection from all activities, such as hunting, poaching, grazing, cutting of trees.

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What do you mean by Forest Act?

The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 an Act of the Parliament of India to provide for the conservation of forests and for matters connected therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto. It was enacted by Parliament of India to control further deforestation of Forest Areas in India.

When was Forest Act enacted a 1865 B 1866 C 1867 D 1869?

Who is known as father of Indian forestry?

Sir Dietrich Brandis
Brandis is considered the father of tropical forestry and has also been described as the father of scientific forestry. In addition to his work in India, he also had a significant influence on forest management in the United States….Dietrich Brandis.

Sir Dietrich Brandis KCIE, FRS
Scientific career
Author abbrev. (botany) Brandis

What is Forest Act of India?

THE INDIAN FOREST ACT, 1927 (16 of 1927) [21st September, 1927] An Act to consolidate the law relating to forests, the transit of forest-produce and the duty leviable on timber and other forest-produce.

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What is the significance of the Forest Act of 1878?

The most famous one was the Indian Forest Act of 1878. Both the 1878 act and the 1927 act sought to consolidate and reserve the areas having forest cover, or significant wildlife, to regulate movement and transit of forest produce, and duty leviable on timber and other forest produce.

How did the Indian Forest Act of 1865 extend colonialism?

The Indian Forest Act of 1865 extended the British colonialism in India and claimed over forests in India. The 1865 act was a precursor to the Forest Act of 1878, which truncated the centuries-old traditional use by communities of their forests and secured the colonial governments control over the forestry.

Who set up the Indian Forest Service in 1864?

Dietrich Brandis set up the Indian Forest Service in 1864 and helped formulate the Indian Forest Act of 1865. The Indian Forest Act of 1865 extended the British colonialism in India and claimed over forests in India.