
Where can I find the Serenity system property defaults?

Where can I find the Serenity system property defaults?

You can also place these files in a Properties file called serenity.properties, in your project root directory. The full list is shown here: Absolute path of the property file where Serenity system property defaults are defined. Defaults to ~/serenity.properties

How do I get serenity to start a new browser session?

To get around this, you can get Serenity to start a new browser session at regular intervals when it executes data-driven tests. Pause (in ms) between each test step. Useful if you are running Firefox tests against an HTTPS test server without a valid certificate.

Where should Serenity output and data files be stored?

The home directory for Serenity output and data files – by default, $USER_HOME/.serenity Where should reports be generated.

How do I exclude packages from a serenity BDD file system?

If you are using the File System Requirements provider, Serenity BDD will expect this directory structure to exist at the top of the requirements tree. If you want to exclude packages in a requirements definition and start at a lower level in the hierarchy, use the serenity.requirement.exclusions property.

Should Serenity BDD display detailed information in the test result tables?

Should Serenity BDD display detailed information in the test result tables. If this is set to true, test result tables will display a breakdown of the steps by result. This is false by default. Show statistics for manual tests in the test reports. Report on releases (defaults to true).

How do I get serenity to not automatically download drivers?

You can also use the driver property as a shortcut. Set to false if you don’t want Serenity to automatically download driver binaries for local runs. If using a provided driver, what type is it. The implementation class needs to be defined in the webdriver.provided. {type} system property.