
Which country is safer India or China?

Which country is safer India or China?

For Indians, India is safer and for Chinese, China is safer but people of other nationality may find that they are both equally safe. 6.97 million tourists visited India in 2013, while 383.7 million tourists visited China during 2014.

Which country is poorer India or China?

The most standard measure of living standards is GDP per capita. And the most recent data point available for India is for 2017, 27 years after time zero. Interestingly, India was poorer than China at time zero. Its GDP per capita in 1990 was US$627, compared to US$687 for China.

What are the similarities between China and India?

China and India: two huge and growing countries with plenty to see and do. While culturally they are different, there are many similarities. Both have ancient history, wonderful cultures, art, music, and large urban areas. Both also have diverse outdoor activities such as swimming at beaches, hiking in the mountains, cruises on rivers, and more.

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Why is India so popular in the world?

India is popular for many reasons. Some are. The only country in the world with so much religious diversity. There are so many religious sub groups. So many sub cultures. Every state gas it’s own language.

What is the difference between Indian and Chinese culture?

While India is also a great place to visit if you are looking to contrast your culture against another, more people in India are familiar with western culture and have adopted certain aspects of it. Most of China’s history takes place in the Imperial China Period.

Is India the most densely populated country in the world?

Yes they have large populations but also they have a lot of space and so you should be looking at population density. While Macau (in China) is the most densely populated ‘country’ (though not really independent in any way) China itself is actually the 84th most densely populated country. India makes a more respectable 8th place.