
Which country produces the best chocolate?

Which country produces the best chocolate?

7 Countries That Make The Best Chocolate

  • Belgium. You can’t go to Belgium and not go to a chocolate shop – there are more than 2,000 throughout the country!
  • Switzerland. Even if you haven’t been to Switzerland, you’ve probably had Swiss chocolate.
  • Ecuador.
  • United Kingdom.
  • Ivory Coast.
  • Italy.
  • United States.

Which nationality is the most chocolate?

Switzerland was the leading country in chocolate consumption per capita in 2017, with citizens eating nearly nine kilos of the sweet stuff in that year. World renowned for the chocolate they produce, it seems the Swiss themselves can’t get enough of the candy.

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What country is on record as eating the most chocolate?

In 2017, Switzerland was the highest consumer of chocolate per capita, with an average of 8.8 kg consumed per person.

Which European country has best chocolate?

1. Switzerland. Ask any chocolate lover which country produces the best chocolate in the world and many would probably say Switzerland.

Which countries are famous for chocolate?

Brussels, Belgium Discover for yourself, why Brussels is known as the ‘Chocolate Capital of the World’! Belgium houses more chocolatiers per square foot than any other city in the world.

Is British chocolate sweeter?

AP Photo/Simon Dawson, File British and American chocolate may look similar, but they taste very different. American chocolate tastes “powdery,” one British colleague tells me. It’s “too sweet,” another protests. British chocolate, on the other hand, is said to be richer and smoother.

What chocolate is Toblerone?

Swiss milk chocolate
Swiss milk chocolate with honey and almond nougat (10\%).

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Which country has the best chocolate in the world?

1 Belgium. You can’t go to Belgium and not go to a chocolate shop – there are more than 2,000 2 Switzerland. Even if you haven’t been to Switzerland, you’ve probably had Swiss chocolate. 3 Ecuador. Ecuador is home to some of the best cacao beans in the world. 4 United Kingdom. Cadbury, anyone? It’s hard

Why are European countries among the world’s leading chocolate manufacturers?

There’s no real reason that European countries are among the world’s leading chocolate manufacturers other than the popularity of chocolate in Europe since its introduction.

What makes Belgian chocolate so special?

What makes Belgian chocolate unique is that it is only cooled at the end of the production process, which allows it to hold onto more of its aroma. Belgian chocolate is also almost entirely handcrafted. These two factors do make Belgian chocolate a little more expensive, but as they say – treat yourself!

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Is Choclate consumption on the rise?

Chocolate consumption doesn’t appear to be slowing down anytime soon. World Top Exports found that chocolate exports rose by four percent every year from 2014 to 2018, with sales rising fastest in Poland, Italy, Canada, and Mexico.