
Which is correct Obrigado or Obrigada?

Which is correct Obrigado or Obrigada?

They are the same word meaning “Thank you” but in masculine and feminine forms. “Obrigado” is masculine. “Obrigada” is feminine. Women use “obrigada” whilst men use “obrigado”.

What is the correct response to Obrigado?

When someone says “Obrigado(a)” the reply is usually “de nada” which is an expression that means “you’re welcome”.

How do you say thank you to a woman in Brazil?

The simplest way to say “thank you” in Portuguese is obrigado. You must change the ending to match your own gender; men say obrigado and women say obrigada.

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What is obrigada?

obrigada [obriˈɡadu, obriˈɡada] (compelido) obliged , compelled. exclamation. thank you.

What language is Obrigado in?

”Obrigado” is the portuguese word for ”thank you”. The equivalente word in spanish or italian, for example, is completely different, although all these languages are very similar in many aspects, as they derive primarily from latin.

What is the meaning of Bem Vindo?

British English: welcome ADJECTIVE /ˈwɛlkəm/ If you describe something as welcome, you mean that people wanted it and are happy that it has occurred. This was certainly a welcome change of fortune. American English: welcome /ˈwɛlkəm/

What Obrigado means?

British English: thanks! / ˈθæŋks/ INTERJECTION. You can say `thanks! ‘ to show that you are grateful to someone for something they have done.

What is the origin of the word Obrigado?

From Latin obligātus (“obliged”), past participle of obligō (“I bind in obligation”).

Whats the meaning of Obrigado?

What is the meaning of Obrigado?

What does Obrigado mean in Spanish?

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Therefore, the word Obrigado or Obrigada will vary in gender to agree with who is feeling obliged. This is a simple and easy rule to memorize. Guys always say Obrigado. Girls always say Obrigada. This is also one of those rules that people don’t know about or forget.

Do Brazilian Girls always say obrigada?

Guys always say Obrigado. Girls always say Obrigada. This is also one of those rules that people don’t know about or forget. I can assure you that you will hear Brazilian women saying “Obrigado”. They should not. And now you know why

How do you use Obrigado in Portuguese?

In Portuguese, interjections are always invariable; maintaining the same word “ obrigado ” no matter if the person is a man or a woman. When writing, to use “ obrigado ” as an interjection, you just need to use the word with an exclamation point: “ Obrigado!

How do you say “I Owe you an obligation” in Portuguese?

“Obrigado(a)” is a simplification of the more formal phrase, no longer in current use, “estou obrigado(a) a você”, meaning “I owe you an obligation (or a favor)”. In the case of your question, a man will say “obrigado”, a woman will say “obrigada”.