
Which is more difficult engineering or medical?

Which is more difficult engineering or medical?

Engineering is easily the hardest because of a central focus on high level mathematics and potentially physics, depending on your focus. These problems require a fluency in understanding how to think mathematically which is certainly easier than simple memory recall in medicine.

Can a medical student be a engineer?

Most people who have a deep interest in the field of biomedical engineering, bioinformatics, or Health Informatics usually pursue them during their medical degree or medical doctorate degree. Some even do a double Ph. D., which, by all means, is no mean feat.

What do doctors think of Engineers?

The doctor thinks of the engineer as a smart person who can make stuff but is as hopeless in their understanding of medicine as the gardener is. The engineer figures medicine must work pretty much like engineering, i.e. applied science, systematic measurement, testing and debugging.

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Why do engineers hate doctors?

Doctors don’t seem to respect engineers for their intelligence and do not lay out a diagnosis so that an engineer understands the things that engineers want to know. They hide behind jargon and do not give us an explanation.

Which field is best doctor or engineer?

If you have a strong hold on mathematics along with physics and chemistry, then engineering is the right field for you. However, if biology and zoology fall in your interest areas over mathematics, then medical emerges as a great option for you.

Is medical vs engineering the right choice for You?

Medical vs Engineering have been the conventional choices of students, thanks to the many opportunities and immense job prospects that these streams hold. According to Aakash Chaudhry it is vital that aspirants introspect, listen to their inner voice and analyse both the streams carefully in order to take the right decision.

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What do you need to know about life as a medical student?

Life as a Medical Student: 12 Things You Really Have to Know 1. You will be able to use what you learn for the rest of your life. This might seem like a fairly trivial point, but it… 2. Sometimes it’s hard work. Studying medicine comes with a certain expectation to work harder on average than

How hard is Medicine compared to other subjects?

Studying medicine comes with a certain expectation to work harder on average than most other students. There are generally more contact hours than other subjects (this year I have a 9-5 day every Friday) with practicals and lectures taking up a great deal of time.

What is the difference between an engineer and a doctor?

An engineer’s work is usually limited only to office hours. On the contrary, doctors have to sacrifice their social life sometimes when there are serious cases that they have to attend to. Students should think on all these parameters before calling the shots.