
Which metal is more reactive aluminium or iron?

Which metal is more reactive aluminium or iron?

A more reactive metal will displace a less reactive metal from a compound . Because aluminium is more reactive than iron, it displaces iron from iron(III) oxide.

Why aluminium is most reactive metal?

This is because aluminium reacts with oxygen present in air to form a thin layer of aluminium oxide on its surface. This oxide layer is very stable and acts as a protective coating by preventing further reaction of aluminium. Also, it is light in weight and a good conductor of heat.

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Is iron reactive than aluminium?

The reactivity of metals decreases from top to bottom in the reactivity series. Iron is placed below aluminium in the reactivity series, and hence, iron is less reactive than aluminium.

Why is aluminium more reactive than iron does not corrode like iron?

Answer Expert Verified. Aluminum is more reactive than iron but it doesn’t corrode It is because of aluminium oxide layer. Aluminium outer surface layer is oxidized whenever it came in contact with the air and so result in aluminium oxide layer which is resistive in nature and remain attached to it.

Which metal is more reactive than aluminium?

Answer: Aluminium is much higher than iron in the reactivity series, so the thermite reaction releases a lot of energy. Magnesium is very high in the reactivity series, and copper is very low – so the reaction between magnesium and copper oxide is more violent.

Why does aluminium corrode less than iron?

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Answer: Aluminum unlike iron and steel,does not rust or corrode in moist conditions. Its surface is protected by a natural layer of aluminium oxide. This prevents the metal below from coming into contact with air and oxygen.

Is aluminum a reactive metal?

Like many of the lightweight metals, aluminium is very chemically reactive, so it is not found in nature in its pure state. But bauxite ore is rich in aluminium.

Which metal is more reactive copper or aluminum?

Aluminium is located much above in reactivity series of metal than Copper.So, Aluminium is more reactive than Copper.

Which metal is more reactive copper or iron?

Copper is less reactive than iron. Since, according to the atomic structure, iron has four unpaired shells in its three sub shells, while copper only has one electron. As a result, iron can react faster than copper.

Why is aluminium less corrosive than iron?

Why aluminium is less easily corroded than iron?

But aluminium is less easily corroded than iron because. Iron forms mono and divalent ions. Oxygen forms a protective oxide layer on aluminium.

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Why is aluminum more reactive than iron?

Under most conditions, aluminum is “more reactive”, in the sense that metallic aluminum will replace iron in solution, thus ‘precipitating’ iron.

Why does aluminum displace iron from iron(III) oxide?

Because aluminium is more reactive than iron, it displaces iron from iron (III) oxide. The aluminium removes oxygen from the iron (III) oxide: Reactions between metals and metal oxides allow us to put a selection of metals into a reactivity series.

What is corrosion resistance of aluminium?

Corrosion resistance of aluminium is due to formation of thin layer of aluminium oxide that forms when metal is exposed to air and prevents further oxidation. It is called as protective passivation. Was this answer helpful?