
Which of the following numbers when divided by 6 leaves a remainder of 5?

Which of the following numbers when divided by 6 leaves a remainder of 5?

So 119 is an answer. But 4 and 6 have a common factor, so 60 is a smaller multiple of 4 and 5 and 6, which means that 59 is the lowest positive number that does what you want it to! If a number divided by 6 leaves a remainder of 5, it means that it will be a multiple of 6 when the number add 1.

When you divide a number by 6 What remainders are possible?

When a natural number which is a positive integer is divided by the number 6, the remainder that are possible would be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5.

What is the remainder of 5 6?

0 remainder
So when you divide 5 by 6, the quotient is 0 remainder 5.

What is the sequence of numbers which leaves remainder 5 on division by 7?

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The two digit natural numbers which leave a remainder 5, when divided by 7 are 12, 19, 26 …., 89, 96.

Which number is divided by 6?

A number is divisible by 6 if it is divisible by 2 and 3 both. Consider the following numbers which are divisible by 6, using the test of divisibility by 6: 42, 144, 180, 258, 156. [We know the rules of divisibility by 2, if the unit’s place of the number is either 0 or multiple of 2]. 42 is divisible by 2.

What is the divisible by 6?

A natural number is divisible by 6 if and only if it is divisible by both 2 and by 3. To determine if a natural number is divisible by 6 requires one to know the “divisibility by 2 rule” and the “divisibility by 3 rule”. The natural number 918 ends in an even number (8).

What are the possible remainders?

The possible remainders when positive integer is divided by positive integer can range from 0 to . For example, possible remainders when positive integer is divided by 5 can range from 0 (when y is a multiple of 5) to 4 (when y is one less than a multiple of 5).

How do you do 5 divided by 6?

Explanation: We can write 5 divided by 6 as 5/6. Here, 5 is the numerator and 6 is the denominator. And if we divide 5 by 6, we get 0.833.

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How do you solve 6 divided by 5?

Using a calculator, if you typed in 6 divided by 5, you’d get 1.2. You could also express 6/5 as a mixed fraction: 1 1/5. If you look at the mixed fraction 1 1/5, you’ll see that the numerator is the same as the remainder (1), the denominator is our original divisor (5), and the whole number is our final answer (1).

What is the sequence of numbers which leaves remainder 0 on division by 6?

So the sequence is 1,4,7,10,….

Which leaves remainder 1 on division by 3?

So first two digit number when divided by 3 leaves remainder 1 is 13.

What can u divide 6 by?

A number is divisible by 6 if it is divisible by 2 and 3 both. Consider the following numbers which are divisible by 6, using the test of divisibility by 6: 42, 144, 180, 258, 156.

How do you find the remainder when dividing by 10?

First, if a number is being divided by 10, then the remainder is just the last digit of that number. Similarly, if a number is being divided by 9, add each of the digits to each other until you are left with one number (e.g., 1164 becomes 12 which in turn becomes 3), which is the remainder.

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Which number has a remainder of 25 when divided by 35?

Find the least number which when divided by 15, leaves a remainder of 5, when divided by 25, leaves a remainder of 15 and when divided by 35 leaves a remainder of 25. Now, number has a remainder of 25 when divided by 35. Similarly, number has remainder 15 on dividing by 25 and remainder is 5 when divided by 15.

What is the remainder when 599 is divided by 9?

What is the remainder when 599 is divided by 9? The remainder is 5 . To calculate this, first divide 599 by 9 to get the largest multiple of 9 before 599. 5/9 < 1, so carry the 5 to the tens, 59/9 = 6 r 5, so carry the 5 to the digits. 59/9 = 6 r 5 again, so the largest multiple is 66.

What are the remainders after reversing the divisors of 118?

Sol: We will find the smallest number which is satisfying this condition and then the remainders after reversing the divisors. Now, when 118 is successively divided by 8, 5, and 3, the results are: The remainders are 6, 4, and 2 respectively. 5. A number when successively divided by 3, 4 and 5 leaves remainders 1, 2 and 3 respectively.