
Which programming language I should learn first?

Which programming language I should learn first?

Python is always recommended if you’re looking for an easy and even fun programming language to learn first. Rather than having to jump into strict syntax rules, Python reads like English and is simple to understand for someone who’s new to programming.

Why is C better than Python?

In brief, C is an older, compiled, low level, procedural programming language. It has more control over itself and the computer, and it runs faster. Python, on the other hand, is an interpreted, high level, and object oriented programming language that’s easier to learn.

What should we learn first C or C++?

There is no need to learn C before learning C++. They are different languages. It is a common misconception that C++ is in some way dependent on C and not a fully specified language on its own. Just because C++ shares a lot of the same syntax and a lot of the same semantics, does not mean you need to learn C first.

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What programming languages can be used for server side programming?

There are several languages that can be used for server-side programming: PHP ASP.NET (C# OR Visual Basic) C++ Java and JSP Python Ruby on Rails and so on.

What is the best client-server programming language to learn?

Here is the list of the client-server programming languages I would choose: JavaScript. Java. Python. CSS. PHP. Ruby.

What is the best programming language for developing desktop applications?

C# (.net) or C++ is the main programming languages to develope desktop applications. C++ is normally used in personal applications, and most business applications were developed in C++. But C# were commonly used in enterprise applications, it is more suitable for rapid customization development.

Should I learn JavaScript for client-side programming?

At client-side, there is no choice but to use JavaScript. Yet JS is a very good language for programming & it’s fun to do lots of DOM manipulation.