
Which religions and cultures do not favor autopsies?

Which religions and cultures do not favor autopsies?

Certain religions have objections to autopsy (eg, Islam, Judaism) in that bodily intrusion violates the sanctity of keeping the human body complete, despite those religious doctrines not strictly forbidding it. Instead, it is a matter of interpretation of these doctrines that have changed over time.

What religions bury their dead within 24 hours?

In Islam, the deceased are to be buried within 24 hours. This was highlighted in media reports of the death of Osama bin Laden. And controversy arose over bin Laden’s burial at sea.

What are some dead religions?

Extinct Religions

  • 23.1 Sumerian. 23.2 Babylonian. 23.3 Assyrian.
  • 23.4 Egyptian. 23.5 Greek. 23.6. Mythraism & Roman Religion.
  • 23.7. Germanic & Norse Religion. 23.8 Mayan.

Can a pregnant woman go to a funeral in Islam?

Traditionally, only men are allowed to attend the burial, however, some Muslim communities permit women to attend.

What do Muslims and Christians disagree about Jesus?

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Finally, despite their agreement about Jesus, Muslims and Christians also disagree about him. Muslims find it puzzling to think of Jesus as God and man at the same time, for this seems to combine two contrary features in the same person. If he was God he only appeared to be a man.

How can I understand Islam from a Christian perspective?

One source for understanding the Muslim writings (from a Christian perspective) is www.answering-islam.org. Christians and Muslims have some beliefs in common. We both agree that there is one God who created the universe and is sovereign in the lives of men. We agree that God is the source of justice and morality.

What is the difference between Christianity and Islam?

Christianity insists that man is fallen—that we are “dead in our sins”—that we are in fact incapable of standing up to a holy and righteous God. Islam, on the other hand, says that humankind is weak and forgetful but not fallen. Islam teaches that man is capable of righteousness—all he has to do is just do it.

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What element of faith is common to Christianity and Islam?

Hence belief in Jesus is an element of faith that is common to Christianity and Islam even though the two faiths believe in him differently. Both faiths hold Jesus in high esteem.