
Which subject is best for CSS in Pakistan?

Which subject is best for CSS in Pakistan?

Accounting and Auditing, Business Administration and Regional Languages are generally considered among the high scoring subjects. It goes without saying that a CSS aspirant would want to select a subject that is high scoring.

Which subject is best for CSS after FSC?

According to my knowledge the best fields after FSC for cracking CSS are International relations, Governance, Public administration and Public policy. Also a BS in History can help. Similarly for Pakistan Administrative Service ( PAS ) BBA and Bachelor in Economics or Public Administration are good to go.

Which CSS study is best?

To qualify for CSS you need a BS degree in any subject. But to improve your chances you can probably try something more relevant to the CSS curriculum so a BS in History or Governance should help. Consider studying the field of Political Sciences and International Relations.

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What is the eligibility criteria for CSS exam in Pakistan?

Educational Criterion: CSS applicants needs to have completed their Bachelor’s Degree with at least 2 nd division from any university in Pakistan or outside Pakistan, which is recognised by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). Age Criterion: Candidates ranging between 21 and 30 years of age can appear in CSS Exam in Pakistan.

How many papers are there in CSS exams?

Let’s get to know a little more about these tests. The series of theory tests in CSS Exams are based on 12 papers, out of which 6 papers are compulsory and the remaining ones are optional. To qualify in compulsory papers you need 40\% marks and for optional exams, you need 33\%.

What is the qualifying marks for the optional paper in FPSC?

Qualifying marks for the compulsory paper is 40\% and for the optional paper is 33\%. Optional papers are to be selected from the groups of subjects in the list according to the rules specified for them by FPSC.

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How many marks are there in optional course in CSS?

Optional courses are divided into groups and each optional course carries either 100 or 200 marks. CSS Subject Selection Complete Guide 2021 is being dispatched over here in detail form. The beginners have varied perceptions about the preparation and a good number of them are not aware of the realities of the same.